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Blog: Blog2


As we approach the Christmas season, I'm sure many of you have thought about and even read the Christmas story from Luke 2. One verse and especially one word from that verse stood out to me this week.

"And, lo, the angel of the Lord

came upon them,

and the glory of the Lord

shone round about them:

and they were sore afraid."

Luke 2:9 (KJV)

The reason the word "lo" got my attention is that I heard the Lord say it several times in a row this week. I was walking and praying (normal activity for me) when I heard the Lord say, "Lo, lo, lo, lo, lo, lo, lo". I don't actually know how many times He said it, but He said it over and over again.

The Greek word for "lo" means "look, see, behold". It's used numerous times in the Bible, usually as an interjection or a sudden interruption to get your attention. The shepherds in Luke 9 were certainly captivated by the "lo" or the sight of the angel. As God's glory surrounded them, it's totally understandable that they were afraid.

I've been leaning in close to hear the Father's heart, asking Him what He is actually wanting to communicate with the instructions "Lo, lo, lo, lo, lo, lo, lo" or "look, look, look look, look, look, look." He has impressed on me that we need to keep looking for and expecting to see breakthrough. It's about to appear suddenly. Check out the Message translation. The word "lo" is replaced with the word "suddenly".


God’s angel stood among them

and God’s glory blazed around them.

They were terrified."

Luke 2:9 (The Message)

Look for and expect to see your personal suddenly. Breakthrough is on the horizon.

Look for a breakthrough on a national level as well.

In fact, expect to see one suddenly after another, like dominos falling.

Lo, lo, lo, lo, lo, lo, lo!

I'm going to keep my eyes focused on Jesus knowing that He is in charge of all my "lo" or "suddenly" moments.

My decrees:

I am going to see breakthroughs on a personal level.

On a national level, multiple "suddenlies" and "los" are about to become obvious to everyone. God will get the glory! And, many will be sore afraid. Praise the Lord!


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You will discover:

The Savior's deep love & longing for you

Your true value

Freedom from generational issues

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The true purpose of Song of Solomon

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IG: @mountaintop_manna

58 views1 comment


Debbie Welty
Debbie Welty
Dec 09, 2020

Thank you, Marilyn! I just heard about the legislation that Texas filed with the Supreme Court regarding election fraud. Boy, am I proud to be from Texas!


Marilyn Haspany
Marilyn Haspany
Dec 08, 2020

Powerful word! Thanks for sharing!

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