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Bluebirds and Cardinals

The Lord spoke to me twice this week using birds symbolically.

Bluebirds: I had a dream early one morning this week. In the dream, a beautiful bluebird flew out of heaven. The bluebird had something in its beak. It flew closer and closer to me until it flew through my forehead into my mind. I was in total awe of the revelation straight from heaven. I cried out to the Lord, "Thank you! Thank you so much for this revelation. But please, Father, I want it in my heart, not in my mind." I felt a flutter in my heart. So, I looked into my heart. The beautiful bluebird of revelation was nesting in my heart.

This dream reveals God's desire to offer heart transformation over head knowledge. We often ask God for revelation. "Call on Me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you know not of" (Jeremiah 33:3). I am constantly studying "to show myself approved" but my desire is not for more head knowledge. Head knowledge can lead to pride. I want the Word down in my heart. I want to live it, teach it, and pray it from my spirit man, not from my head. "Your word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you" (Psalm 119:11). Studying must become a heart hunger, not just a pursuit of knowledge.

Cardinals: I was in a feed & seed type store buying Cardinal Bird Seed. I was buying many very large bags of Cardinal Bird Seed. Each bag had a picture of a cardinal on the front with the words Cardinal Bird Seed printed in bold font. Smaller font read, "Attracts Cardinals".

I prayed into the vision and remembered the parable of the sower. Seed symbolizes the Word. In the vision, I was buying the Word. I spend hours studying - that's paying a price for the Word. I looked up the definition of cardinal. It means "of the greatest importance, fundamental". The Word of God is of the greatest importance. It is fundamental to life.

We must spread the Word, the good news, the gospel. We must sow the seeds, cardinal seeds, seeds of great importance, seeds fundamental to life. Some will fall on good ground and bring forth fruit, some one-hundred-fold, some sixtyfold, and some thirtyfold. We must not be discouraged by the seed that falls into bad soil. We must keep spreading cardinal seed.

The bags I purchased said Cardinal Bird Seed, Attracts Cardinals. Cardinal seed will attract cardinal people. This points to people who will be of great importance and fundamental to what God wants to accomplish in the coming years. People with a God mandate to sit in high-level positions with high levels of influence, people chosen for such a time as this.

Cardinal people are looking for cardinal seeds so they will be able to fulfill the cardinal plan God has for their lives. Let's pay the price and purchase cardinal seed. Start sowing cardinal seed and you will attract cardinals. Sowing is hard work, but then comes the harvest.


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