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Chosen and Branded

1/9/2023 Prophetic Word: Even as The Chosen has become a popular TV series capturing the attention of millions, you will see My people, my chosen ones taking center stage, changing the narrative, bringing My heart, My desires, and My will to the earth in this season. They have waited before Me humbly seeking My face, repenting for their own sins as well as the sins of the nation. These I have chosen and branded with fresh fire, placing in them an intense passion for Me. They are not about themselves. They are about My business. My chosen are arising in the power of My name to establish My Kingdom purposes and My glory in the earth.

In late December, I had a dream that I had been chosen by the master of a great kingdom, chosen to be his servant. I served joyfully because my heart was so happy to be chosen as his servant. Upon awakening, I had such deep joy! Being happy to serve does not make sense in the natural but I knew the dream pointed to being chosen by God to serve Him.

As time passed and I meditated on what it means to be His servant. The truth is that in America today we don’t really know that much about servitude. I thought about how slave owners would drive an awl through their slave’s ear (Deuteronomy 15:17).

I was so happy to be chosen as His servant that I wanted Him to mark me as His. So, I leaned my head over to expose my ear and waited in His presence, expecting an encounter with Him. Hoping for that mark from the awl, I focused my attention on the fire of heaven's altar as mentioned in Isaiah 6. It seemed as though the flames danced in rhythm to the angel’s worship, even to my worship (selah). As I focused on the flames, I saw a branding iron come toward me. I guess an angel was carrying it but I could not see the angel, only the branding iron coming toward me. I felt no fear as it passed right through my skin without burning me. The branding iron marked my soul. It burned away fleshly ambitions and desires, leaving only a desire to serve my Master for His glory and His glory alone.

Several verses came to mind:

Leviticus 1:9 “…an offering made by fire, of a sweet savor unto the Lord.”

Matthew 3:19 “…He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”

My friends, you are chosen (or you probably would not be reading this). You’re most likely branded as well, but I encourage you:

Wait in His presence. Be open to whatever amazing thing He will do or speak to you.


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