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Decree Advance

3.8.22 Decree Advance are the words I received from the Lord on Tuesday morning as I was seeking Him for direction regarding our Tuesday morning intercessor's prayer gathering.

Advance means to push forward, gain ground, forge ahead against the opposition. I imagined the commander of an army shouting, "ADVANCE!" to his troops.

I wrote in my prayer journal: In the name of Jesus, I decree that Your Kingdom is advancing and increasing. Truth is advancing across the earth like wildfire. Revival is advancing across the land. The spirits of fear, hate, and greed are retreating as Your love advances. Hearts are turning toward You. Souls are being saved. Your Kingdom is coming!

I continued to make advancement decrees at the prayer meeting and throughout the day. Decreeing His Kingdom advances with regards to the sanctity of life. Decreeing His Kingdom advances with regards to this nation fearing Him again. Decreeing His Kingdom advances with regards to the issues the world faces today. Decrees for myself - I am advancing in the plans God has for me.

I felt in my spirit that we are to make our decrees again and again. Confirmation came on Wednesday when I read a prophetic word from Alane Haynes who says we must contend (like heavy-weight champions) for advancement. A heavy-weight champion hits his opponent again and again until his opponent falls and does not get back up.

We advance His Kingdom by decreeing the Word and heart of God again and again.

We advance His Kingdom by shooting truth arrow after truth arrow into the atmosphere. Do it again and again. We advance His Kingdom by striking the ground with each decree. Do it again and again. Then do it all again tomorrow. Persistence is necessary for advancing.

We must never forget how persistent our enemy is. He relentlessly attempts to steal, kill, and destroy. The Kingdom of God suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. We advance and take back ground for God's Kingdom by persistence. We advance God's Kingdom by not growing weary. In Revelation, we learn that great rewards are given to those who persevere and overcome. We overcome (advance) by the blood of the lamb and the word our testimony (our decree) and by loving Him more than our own life (Revelation 12:11).

Intercessors, join me in decreeing again and again:

Advance and increase to the Kingdom of God.


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