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Dream: Romantic Bedroom Makeover Available to All

Updated: Feb 17, 2020

I had a dream just a few nights ago about a bedroom makeover. My dad was giving my bedroom a makeover. The colors were deep, rich shades of plum and burgundy. Everything was very elegant and beautiful, almost regal. There was gentle romantic lighting. The mirror reflected and enhanced the lighting. I mean over-the-top, take your breath away - WOW!!!

When he finished with the room, my dad carried in a set of luggage that matched the bedroom. I'm like, "Is that for me too?". To which he replied, "Yes, you'll need it."

When I woke up from the dream, I knew "dad" symbolized my heavenly Father. The romantic bedroom makeover indicates that the intimacy we share is going to an even deeper level. (Oh, be still my heart.)

This may shock some of you, but God wants an intimate relationship with you. Why do you think the Old Testament book Song of Solomon is part of the Bible? Jesus loves us passionately and desires that we love Him passionately in return.

"His left hand is under my head,

and his right hand embraces me"

Song of Solomon 2:6

He wants to give you a bedroom makeover too. Meaning, He wants your relationship with Him to become deeper, more personal and intimate. He wants to take it to another level.

The luggage in the dream symbolizes His plans to take us places. He wants to take us to deeper places in His word, deeper in places worship, and deeper places of faith. He does not want us to stay where we are. There is so much more that He has for each one of us. He wants you to have a deeper revelation of His love, for mankind in general and for yourself. You are His beloved.

In Ephesians 3:17-19, Paul prayed for you,

That you would be rooted and grounded in the love of Christ. That you would be able to understand the magnitude of His astonishing love in all its dimensions. How intimate and far-reaching it is in breadth, length, depth, and height. His love is enduring and all-inclusive. It is endless beyond measure and transcends our understanding. Let His extravagant love pour into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God! (The combination of several translations).

Spend some time with Him and let Him take you deeper.

(More below the picture.)

I choose this picture to represent the romantic bedroom makeover from my dream but it really doesn't even come close to capturing the feeling of love and romance that the room in my dream portrayed. There is no picture on earth that conveys how deeply He loves us and desires us except perhaps a picture of the cross.


PS: I have written a devotional/Bible study that breaks down and explains every verse in the Song of Solomon. It involves over 10 years of study, praying, and writing. In the pursuit of publication, I've been told by agents that I need to establish a following. Thus, this website and blog. Anytime that you can share my blog would be a huge blessing. Thank you!!!

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Debbie Welty
Debbie Welty
Nov 11, 2019

You're so good to me, Brent!


brent welty
Nov 04, 2019

Excellent read! Wonderful truth!

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