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Holy Spirit Prayer Directive for Your Pastor

Dream (8/10/21): Picture Stretch Armstrong, only it was my pastor's ears that were stretched way out of proportion.

As I prayed into the dream, it's like I could hear all the voices that are bombarding my pastor. Sheep in this conner, "You should baa baa baa baa…". Sheep in that corner, "I think you need to baa baa baa baa …". "If only you would baa baa baa baa…", said the sheep in the parking lot. There was even "Bababababa" coming from his well-meaning advisors. The enemy, the accuser of the brethren, was ruthless and relentless with his babble into my pastor's ear. The news and media are just another voice vying for his attention. By some supernatural miracle, my pastor was still able to hear the still small voice of God.

I knew immediately that I was to pray protection over my pastor's ears. Pray that he could hear and discern the voice of God even in all the chaos and confusion. Pray that he would not take any words to heart except those which were Holy Spirit breathed.

Knowing the power of words, I broke the power of the words assigned to derail him from Gods' heart, mind, and agenda. I broke witchcraft prayers off of him.

In the realm of the spirit, I put earplugs in his ears. Earplugs to protect him from confusion, chaos, and vain babbling. He will not be stretched and overwhelmed by the noise of many voices. He will be able to navigate these turbulent times by hearing God's voice behind him saying,

"This is the way. Walk ye in it".

Bonus Word (This is what the Lord spoke to my heart early in the morning):

Revival is coming! This move of God will look and manifest differently than previous revivals. This revival is a Revival of TRUTH. Those who are looking for the latter-day outpouring of wine will not find it until they sit down at the table of truth. Those looking for fresh fire will only find it at the altar of truth. Truth will move unstoppable like a mighty wind across the land. Truth will fall with force like rain to bring forth a harvest of souls, a harvest of righteousness, and a harvest of the fear of the Lord. Truth will bring home the prodigals. Truth will deliver and set people free from the bondage of sin, disease, and oppression. Truth. Truth and more truth. Worship Jesus. He is the way, the TRUTH, and the life. A revival of truth is coming.


Check out my book: The Greatest Romance, a wonderful guide into deeper intimacy with Jesus.

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