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Blog: Blog2

Involuntary Whistleblowing

Prophecy (7.15.22): Watch for and expect to hear whistleblowers involuntarily begin to whistle. The truth will blow forth from them and they will have no power to stop it.

How this word came to me: My husband informed me that I was whistling in my sleep the night before. I asked, “Like, whistling a tune?”. He explained that I would breathe in with my nose and then exhale through my mouth releasing a whistle. Apparently, I did it over and over again. I apologized for being a disturbance and told him to wake me or roll me over. I didn’t even realize that I was doing it.

I thought nothing of this incident and dismissed it immediately. Until the very next night when I was awakened by what I thought was a cat meowing. We don’t have any pets so I dismissed it as a dream. But I could not go back to sleep and realized that I was lying there listening to the high-pitched sound over and over again. I woke my husband, “Honey, do you hear that? What is that noise? It sounds like a cat meowing.”. He said, “My nose is slightly congested and it whistles every time I exhale. Sorry, it’s been annoying me too”.

I responded by telling him, “It’s okay, honey. Try to go back to sleep.” But I laid there praying: “Father, are You trying to tell me something?” That’s when I heard:

Watch for and expect to hear whistleblowers involuntarily begin to whistle. The truth will blow forth from them and they will have no power to stop it.

The Lord further impressed on my spirit that even people who are asleep will hear the whistleblowers. Those who are asleep spiritually will be awakened by the blowing forth of truth. The whistleblowers will have no control over what is coming forth. They will involuntarily speak the truth.

I rejoice because truth revealed results in freedom. "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32. As people have a revelation of the truth, the chains of control will be shaken off. I believe we will be able to move forward as one nation under God with liberty, justice, & freedom for all.


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