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Lilies & Lizards

Do you have “lily lips” or “lizard lips”?

Laugh out loud! Let me explain. When he was a teenager, my husband and his best friend would greet each other with insults. These guys were too cool to show genuine affection for each other. General rambunctious teasing was how they connected, with phrases like:

“Hi, Lizard Lips!”

“Hey, Buzzard Beak!”

I hadn’t thought about the way they greeted each other in years. Recently, I’ve been meditating on a verse that made me remember “lizard lips” and got me pondering what kind of lips I have.

“His (Jesus) lips are like lilies,

dropping sweet-smelling myrrh”

(Song of Solomon 5:13b).

Jesus' lips are like lilies. What does this mean? The Hebrew word for “lips” is “boundaries.” Lilies symbolize life because even though they seem dead and forever gone, they come back to life each spring. Jesus speaks boundaries of life over us. He surrounds us with a boundary of life. I love that! Picture yourself surrounded by a boundary of life. Jesus has Lily Lips.

If we speak contrary to what Jesus is speaking, we weaken or knock holes in the boundary of life He established for us. If we speak negative things, we have Lizard Lips. This makes us vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks. Lizards are reptiles, like snakes. They both symbolize long lying tales/tails. We know who the father of lies is. His lizard lips speak death over us. We should never repeat what he says.

As Jesus speaks boundaries of life around us, His lips drop sweet-smelling myrrh. What does that mean? Myrrh is a spice that has a sweet aroma. It was used for its healing properties and as an embalming spice to impede the smell of disease and death. Jesus’ words preserve us to fulfill the dreams He has given us, to fulfill His plans for our lives, and to bring Him glory with every victory and breakthrough we experience.

My favorite verse is 1 John 4:17, “As He is, so am I in this world”. If Jesus has Lily Lips, I can have them too. I can speak life over my health, my destiny, my dreams, and His plans for me. I can speak life over my children, grandchildren, and friends.

I choose Lily Lips! I choose LIFE!


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