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Nesting Dolls

Updated: Nov 17, 2023

The Lord put this object lesson on my heart to share with the women’s group that I lead. The ladies loved it! I think it will bless you. Feel free to use it yourself (perhaps keep my name on it.)

Object Lesson: Demonstrating Christ in us.

You will need:

  • A set of nesting dolls. The set I used has 5 dolls but a set with 6 dolls would be even better. Line the dolls up as shown in the picture.

  • 5 or 6 prepared sticky notes. Write one phrase on each sticky note and place the note to correlate with the piece it represents. Phrases:

a. “Saved Man.” Place with the largest nesting doll.

b. "Jesus.” Place with the 2nd largest doll.

c. “God, the Father” Place this note with the 3rd largest doll.

d. “Authority & Wisdom.” Place with the 4th largest doll.

(Note: If you have 6 nesting dolls, write “authority” & “wisdom” on separate notes.)

e. “Creation.” This sticky note goes with the smallest doll.


Let’s start with the middle doll, God, the Father (Pick-up doll).

a. He has supreme Authority Psalm 103:19 (Pick up the Authority doll and hold it with the God doll.)

b. What about Wisdom? All wisdom comes from and begins with God, the Father. Romans 11:33-35 (Put Authority & Wisdom. Pick up Creation)

c. Creation. Genesis 1:1 tells us that God created the heavens & the earth. He had the Wisdom to know how to create everything. He created with His voice or with His Authority (Genesis 1:3). So, Creation is nested in God’s Wisdom and exists because of His Authority. (Place the Creation in Authority & Wisdom doll. Place those dolls in the God doll). Authority, Wisdom, & Creation are in God, the Father. (Put God doll down.)

Now, let’s consider Jesus. (Pick up doll.)

a. He is the Mediator between God & man (1 Timothy 2:5-6). His doll is between God & man. He makes it possible for us to connect with God.

b. Colossians 2:9 tells us that the fullness of God is in Christ. WOW!

God’s fullness, everything in God (like Authority, Wisdom, & Creation) is in Christ.

c. Authority. Matthew 28:18 God’s authority is in Jesus. God gave it to Him.

d. Wisdom. Colossians 2:3 God’s wisdom is hidden in Christ.

e. Creation. Genesis 1:1 says God created the heavens & the earth. The Hebrew word used for God is Elohim which is the plural form of God, meaning Jesus was present with God and participated in creation. Genesis 1:26 Let “us” make man in “our” image.

Colossians 1:16-17 tells us all things were created by Jesus. They were created by Him, for Him, and are held together by Him. (Place the God doll inside the Jesus doll.)

Recap everything that is in Jesus: the fullness of God, all Authority, all Wisdom, & Creation.

Now, let’s consider the Saved Man doll. Saved man has asked Jesus to be His Savior (1 John 4:14b). We’re talking about the man who has asked Jesus into his heart. Jesus comes in and brings everything with Him. (Place Jesus doll in the Saved Man doll. Point to the sticky notes as you explain the following).

a. The fullness of God is in Saved Man. God is in you/me.

b. Authority. Jesus gave us His authority. Matthew 10:1 His authority is in you/me.

c. Wisdom. We have access to great wisdom because wisdom is hidden in Christ & He lives in you/me. As I spend time with Him, He will teach me things, show me great, and mighty things (Jeremiah 33:3). Wisdom, it’s in you/me.

d. Creation. Genesis 1:28 God gave man dominion (rule & authority) over all of creation.

Jesus is in you/me. It’s a package deal, a bundle (1 Samuel 25:29). He comes into your heart, into your life with the fullness of God, all authority, all wisdom, and makes you/me the manager of creation.

Christ in me, the hope of glory! Colossians 1:27

As He is, so am I in this world! 1 John 4:17

I am His ambassador here on earth …

I get to be with Him, listen to Him, and learn to know His voice.

I get to know Him, all about Him because He is in me.

I get to know Him intimately.

I get to let Him teach me great & mighty things.

Just as Christ is in me. Another thought occurs to me: I am also “in Christ.” The scriptures, especially Paul’s letters, say repeatedly “in Christ.” Perhaps I will do a study letting the smallest doll represent Saved Man with the largest doll representing Jesus.

Example: In Him I live and move and have my being! Acts 17:28 YAY!


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