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Nothing & No One Overshadow God

8.27.2023: As I worshiped in the sanctuary, with all the saints singing of His holiness, I heard the Lord say, “Nothing and no one overshadow Me.”

Men think that

If they make the lies big enough, repeat them often enough, & loud enough,

Even produce lying signs and wonders to create fear,

The lie will surely overshadow God,

The lie will surely overshadow His truth.

It cannot be done! “Nothing and no one overshadow Me.”

They are deceiving themselves.

They are falling deeper into a spirit of deception.

By My mercy and their repentance, some will climb up out of the deception.

Even with My mercy, many will never choose to climb out.

When men try to cast a shadow over Me or My truth,

The shadow falls over themselves,

Increasing their delusions,

Increasing their darkness,

Increasing their confusion.

None of their lies,

None of their theories,

No matter how loud they spew them,

None of their lying signs and wonders,

Will ever overshadow Me and My truth.

My Spirit hovers over the earth.

I overshadow everything.

I overshadow all men, even powerful men.

No man has the power to cast a shadow on Me or My glory.

No man has the power to cast a shadow over Me or My truth.

I am releasing greater measures of My glory into the earth.

Do you hear My people singing of holiness?

They are sensing My glory.

Isaiah heard the angels sing:

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth of full of His glory.”

I, the Lord of hosts, am releasing hosts of angels.

Some carry mercy that will lead to repentance.

Some carry truth explosions that will bring forth justice.

My glory is spreading over the earth.

Fear & reverence for My name is being restored in the earth.

“Nothing and no one overshadow Me.”


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