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Prayer Strategy for the Prodigals

While praying for the prodigals to come home, God gave me a prayer strategy for them through a vision.

I saw Balaam on his donkey. He was stubbornly determined to go in his own direction with his own agenda. The agenda Balaam had chosen was not in line with God's will. However, Balaam justified his actions in his own mind and would not be persuaded otherwise. An angel stood in his way to hinder his progress, frustrate him, and ultimately change his agenda, getting him back on track with God's heart and plan.

Praise God for His mercy! He wants to do this for the prodigals. Pray this over the prodigals with me. God is merciful and wants them to come back to His heart and plans for them. They have been deceived and gone astray. We ask God to put an angel in their path to hinder them, frustrate them, and turn them around. Father, open their eyes to see the reason for their frustration. Open their ears to hear You speaking - be it through friends, family, strangers, donkeys, or angels. Father, stop them in their tracks and realign their hearts with Yours. We pray for their return, Father.

In faith, let's prepare the robe, the ring, the shoes and get ready for the feast. In other words, prepare your heart to welcome them. Be prepared to honor them and add no shame to them. See them dressed in the robe of righteousness. See the ring on their finger and understand that they are now betrothed to Jesus just you are. See their feet shod with the gospel of peace. Yes, get ready to celebrate their return.

Could it be that they have not yet returned because our hearts are not ready to welcome them as the Father would have us welcome them?

While you're praying for them to return, pray just as sincerely for a heart to honor them.


Check out my book and Bible studies:

The Greatest Romance is a wonderful guide into the perfect love of God.

Paul's Warfare Manuel is a study of the book of Ephesians.

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