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Prodigals Dancing with Father

9.4.2023 Prophetic Vision

In my prayer time, I wanted and asked Father to let me see things from a different perspective, things I’ve prayed about for years without seeing much result. I felt prompted to move out of my normal prayer chair and sit in a different place.

As I sat worshiping and praying, in my spirit I saw a long thin colorful but translucent scarf coming down from heaven. The scarf began to twirl and dance. It was as if one end of the scarf was held by someone in heaven while the other end twirled and danced on the earth. Then I realized the scarf was twirling and dancing around a prodigal.

As I continued to watch this, I began to hear singing. The Father is singing over the prodigals while twirling & dancing around them. For each prodigal, the song had a distinct melody with different words and the scarf had slight color variations. The scarf had all the colors of the rainbow but the colors were swirling all around within the fabric.

I continued to watch in awe. I was struck by how much Father loves each and every prodigal. There was a weeping. It was me weeping but I believe Father was weeping as well. He loves them. We love them but He loves them so much more.

The scarf is weaving their wounds and mistakes into divine purpose. He is dancing over them with His beauty, giving them beauty for ashes, bringing healing to their wounded hearts. He is singing a very personal song of redemption, freedom, and destiny over each of them.

Slowly, one by one,

I saw the prodigals

begin to dance and harmonize

with their heavenly Father.

By the end of the vision, tears were streaming down my face.

I shared the vision with my sisters at our weekly prayer meeting. We pressed into the vision to see Father graciously & mercifully sing and dance over our prodigals with His love. We agreed with Father’s song for them. We were touched by His love for them. I encourage you to do the same. One woman said that she was going to go home and prophetically dance with a gold ribbon while singing over her prodigals. I’m not sure why she felt to use a gold ribbon but Holy Spirit knows.

I believe our prodigals will soon, very soon, start harmonizing with Father. I hear them even now. Their perspectives are changing, their songs are changing, and their dance is coming into step with the melody from heaven. Father is dancing & romancing our prodigals home.

Worship Him with me….


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