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Prophetic Word: AVALANCHE!

The Monday after Easter while I was walking and praying, I felt a rumble in the realm of the spirit. The rumble seemed to go on and on. When I asked the Lord what was happening, I head the word "avalanche" and this is what the Lord showed me:

When one stone is dislodged, many others will follow creating an avalanche. On Resurrection Sunday we worshipped and rejoiced even though we could not gather in our buildings. As we worshipped the risen Savior in our homes, truly celebrating that the stone was rolled away, the Spirit of God moved through our neighborhoods, communities, and cites. He moved with love and with a powerful drawing, almost like a verbal calling out to the lost.

The rumble is the stones that entomb hearts, separating them from the love of God. As people are convicted and drawn by His love, the stones that they place over their hearts are starting to move. The Lord showed me that the stones have names written on them:




Confusion - lies of the enemy

Angry at God



People are weeping, repenting, and crying out to God. Stones are rolling away, falling, creating an avalanche of souls entering the kingdom of God. One stone can dislodge many others. The rolling stones give way to life!!!

"I will give you a new heart

and put a new spirit in you;

I will remove from you

your heart of stone

and give you a heart of flesh."

Ezekiel 36:26

Believers, keep worshipping Jesus and releasing His presence into your neighborhoods, communities, and cities.

Keep believing for an avalanche!

It's happening.

I heard it.

Avalanches are destructive and it's the enemy's kingdom that is suffering loss.


Instagram: mountaintop-manna


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