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Silver & Gold

The shaky economy is leading some people to invest in silver or gold. I’ve prayed about this, asking the Lord for direction. Understandably, His answer will vary depending on the person but this is what He ministered to my heart this morning. I hope it encourages you to buy gold.

What the Lord is saying about buying silver & gold: It was the hour of prayer when Peter and John (on their way to the temple) crossed paths with the lame man begging at the temple gate. Peter said,

“Silver & gold have I none.

But such as I have, give I thee.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,

Rise up and walk.”

Peter took him by the right hand and lifted him up. Immediately the lame man was healed! His feet, ankles, and bones received strength. He leaped up and walked into the temple where he began leaping and praising God (Acts 3:1-16).

Peter changed the man’s life! While silver & gold would have contributed a temporary minor comfort, Peter totally liberated the man. He used the phrase “such as I have” indicating a different kind of silver & gold. Peter gave him something more valuable than ordinary silver & gold. Peter gave the lame beggar complete healing, deliverance, & freedom. This reminded me of Jesus’ letter to the Laodicea church. He instructed them to buy gold.

This is the “such as I have” gold Peter offered the lame beggar. It must be bought from Jesus. Peter said, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up & walk.” The source of this “such as I have” gold is Jesus. It’s His anointing.*

Quick word study: Christ is the Greek word for Messiah (John 1:41, John 4:25.) Both words: Christ & Messiah mean "the anointed one". Peter paid the price to walk in the anointing of Christ. The price was a sold-out relationship with Christ. This relationship made Peter rich. He had the unsearchable riches of Christ that Paul talked about.

Jesus said, “Buy gold from me.” How do we buy gold from Jesus? Let’s consider Peter's example. Against culture, he walked with Jesus, witnessing miracle after miracle. Peter knew Christ's suffering, crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection. He tarried in the upper room, waiting in unity (selah) with other believers to be endued with power. Peter was faithful to the hour of prayer and to gatherings at the temple. He reached out to the needy giving them what he had. He was familiar with trials and suffering to the degree that he explains what it means to “buy gold refined in fire.” Peter's explanation: “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you."

Gold & Silver: It might be a good idea for some of you to invest in gold or silver but do not neglect to buy gold from Jesus. This will make you truly rich. What will "such as I have" gold cost you? I think the cost will vary from person to person depending on God's call and the gifts on your life. I'm buying gold from Jesus because I want to give people this "such as I have" gold. If this is your desire, this song is a place to start:


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*Anointing: Get my free Bible study on The Anointing at

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