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Sir Floppy Ears

It's ok to laugh at Sir Floppy Ears. My grandkids certainly did. I love being around the grandkids because they usually keep you in stitches! But if they don't, characters like Sir Floppy Ears appear, and immediately the room is filled with giggles and laughter.

Laughter is one of the things I love about window open weather. The neighborhood kids fill the atmosphere with sounds of joy and laughter as they ride their bikes down the street or play hide & seek with Easter eggs. I find a big smile on my face because their joy and happiness are contagious.

Jesus told us to be of good cheer. That means be happy, be joyful, be light-spirited, enjoy life. Jesus was accused of enjoying life a little too much. In Luke 7:34, He was accused of being too joyful. In Proverbs, we learn why it's so important to be of good cheer:

"A merry heart does good like a medicine:

but a broken (despondent) spirit dries the bones.”

Proverbs 17:22 KJV

Jesus did not say be of good cheer only when things are going your way. He tells us things will not always go our way in this world but that in Him we can remain in peace and even in good spirits.

These things I have spoken unto you,

that in me ye might have peace.

In the world ye shall have tribulation:

but be of good cheer;

I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

In the 27th chapter of Acts, Paul is a prisoner on a ship headed to Rome. The winds were contrary to their voyage. They found themselves in a cyclone. Just imagine the fear that filled the atmosphere. Paul encouraged his fellow passengers. He told them to be of good cheer. They probably thought he was crazy. "Be of good cheer? Are you crazy? The wind is destroying our ship and we're all going to die. We have to jump overboard and swim for our lives!" Paul assured them, "No one will die. Be of good cheer. I believe God will save us. But everyone must stay in the ship." Paul's word came to pass. Everyone survived. In the face of discouragement, let's take Paul's admonition to heart (verse 25):

Be of good cheer.

Believe God = believe His Word.

Stay in the ship = stay in the faith.

As you try to be of good cheer, keep in mind that God may very well be laughing at this very moment: "The kings of the earth rise up against the Lord. The rulers of the earth join together against his anointed king. “Let us break free from their chains,” they say. “Let us throw off their ropes.” The God who sits on his throne in heaven laughs. The Lord makes fun of those rulers and their plans." (Psalm 2:2-4 NIRV).

Since my grandkids are not usually around to cheer me up and my husband is not certainly obligated to be Sir Floppy Ears 24/7, the responsibility for my cheery disposition (or lack thereof) falls squarely on my own shoulders. My countenance by my own choice will be like that of the Proverbs 31 woman (also known as the virtuous woman).

"She always faces tomorrow with a smile."

Proverbs 31:25 MSG


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