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Strawberries in the Winter

We are entering a season that will go against the norm. The season we are entering will be contrary to what is expected. It will be like eating huge, fresh, ripe strawberries in the winter.

Through a dream, I sensed the Lord was so pleased with intercessors who have persevered in prayer for family, friends, and nations in this season. We have spent hours in His Word, seeking His presence, longing for His face as we interceded for others. We have pressed into a new and very deep level of intimacy with Him. A level of intimacy where He generously feeds His beloved strawberries. His love has become so tangible for us. Because of His love, we are giving birth to new moves of His Spirit, new strategies for breakthrough, and new revelation flows to us quickly. And we have learned to store up revelation, to hold on and wait until it is God's time for it to be released.

Let me share the dream with you: To my delight, I had two large baskets of strawberries in the middle of winter. What a treasure! And they were so delicious! I could not get enough. I kept eating and eating them until I nearly depleted one of the baskets. As I got to the bottom of the basket, I saw some of the strawberries had been smashed by the weight of the strawberries that were on top. I felt sad about that. I also saw two Sterno cans in the bottom of the basket. I knew what Sterno cans are used for but I was puzzled as to why they were in my basket. I showed them to a friend and we were trying to understand why these Sterno cans were in the basket with the strawberries. I felt I should ask my husband. So, I did. End of dream. When I shared the dream with my husband, he immediately knew what the Sterno cans meant. YAY!


2 baskets symbolize a double portion.

Winter symbolizes out of season.

Strawberries symbolize intimacy with the Lord and the fruit we bear for Him.

Fruit of intimacy is more fruit, symbolizing deeper intimacy, heaven's strategies, & revelation.

Smashed strawberries combined with the heat of Sterno cans = strawberry jam. YUM!

Jam symbolizes revelation stored up which becomes fruit out of season.

2 Sterno cans confirm a double portion.

The verse that God gave me for this dream is 2 Timothy 4:2

"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season;

reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine."

We all know the only way to have strawberries out of season is to harvest them in abundance when they ripen and then make jam to enjoy during the off-season.

I thank God for intimacy! His love sustains me and it has opened doors for fresh revelation, which is coming fast, like a double portion -- some for now, some for later. I share what I can but don’t always have an outlet for all of it. I write it down or jar it up for the season it is to be released.

Answer the call to intimacy. Fat, juicy, ripe strawberries are waiting for you, even twice what you actually need. Store them up & in your winter season, He will flow through you.

***** Check out my book *****

The Greatest Romance is a wonderful guide into the perfect love of God.

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