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Blog: Blog2

Sweet or Sour

Recently, while having a face-to-face conversation with someone, I saw a pickle in my spirit. Not knowing what to do with that, I dismissed it as not from the Lord. The next day the pickle image came back. This time I was alone with the Lord and I asked him what He was showing me. This person just went through a horrific life-changing experience. You might say this person is in a pickle or maybe in pickling brine (terrible circumstances).

I did a little research on pickling cucumbers. Pickles can be sweet or they can be sour depending on what is added to the brine. The cucumbers are soaked in brine water (vinegar). Sour pickles are the results of cucumbers soaked in brine along with strong spices, like dill and garlic. Sweet pickles are the result of cucumbers soaked in brine along with sugar and sweet spices.

Father is showing me this person must decide if the circumstances of life will cause them to be bitter or sweet. I ask Jesus what could be added to their bitter (vinegary) circumstances that would bring about a sweet spirit. He said, "Love". Love is the sweetener. His love and love from the body of Christ will add sweetness. Love will soften and tenderize their heart so that they can walk in forgiveness. I also remembered that His Word is like honey and honeycomb. Two sources of sweetness will make a big difference in whether they choose to be sweet or sour.

As I sat with the Lord praying for this person, Father also spoke the word "preserved". The pickling process preserves the cucumber. This person has been preserved for such a time as this. He will use this bitter pickling season not only to bring sweetness into their life but to preserve them for His plans. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).

Unless the Lord directs me otherwise, I probably won't share this with the person. I will use it as a directive to pray for and minister to them. I share it with you because maybe you or someone you know is in pickling brine.


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