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The POWER Twins

I recently spent a week visiting my twin grandbabies. They are two years old now and still lots of work. They are often hungry at the same time, need their diapers changed at the same time, are teething at the same time, fussy, and need their nap at the same time, etc. Unfortunately, they don't always sleep at the same time. They take turns being awake - thus keeping mommy awake. It's like they either gang-up on you or they tag-team you.

My twins are ((left to right) Wyatt Brent and Nora Kate. With them in mind, I want to introduce you to FAITH & PATIENCE, the POWER twins.

"Do not become lazy,

instead imitate those who through

Faith and Patience

inherit what has been promised."

Hebrews 6:12 NIV

It's been a challenging season. On behalf of our nation, we've repented, prayed, fasted, and done all that we know to do, asking God to heal our land. We feel in our spirits, deep in our spirits, that God will deliver the United States from corruption and wickedness. That He will heal our land. We've prayed and sought this with all our hearts. We know God has heard our prayers. We believe that our prayers and decrees were actually God-inspired.

So what do we do now? It's tempting to give up. It seems like it might be easier to just go along with the status quo and accept it quietly.

The writer of Hebrews challenges us, NO, he charges us, "Do not become lazy!" In this passage, he is citing Abraham. Abraham had a seemly impossible promise from God. Against all hope, Abraham still believed. He exercised Faith & Patience and received God's promise.

In the meantime, in that space between the promise and the fulfillment,...what do we do? How do we exercise Faith and Patience?

Faith alone will grow weary. Patience will eventually run thin. Partner them together and you will inherit the promise. Faith & Patience are like my twins, Wyatt & Nora. They team up and demand results. They are relentless.

Here are some practical ways to exercise the POWER twins, FAITH & PATIENCE:

Noah obeyed (built the ark).

Abraham, against hope, believed in hope.

Joseph served faithfully with the highest integrity.

David encouraged himself in the Lord.

Paul tells us to build up our faith by praying in the spirit.

Paul tells us to put on the armor.

Paul tells us to wage warfare with the prophecies.

Paul tells us to stand, don't waver.

Two more ways to exercise the POWER twins, FAITH & PATIENCE: worship and stay in the Word. Don't get lazy! Together, let's inherit the promise - a healed nation, that fears and honors God alone.


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IG: @mountaintop_manna

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