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Blog: Blog2

The View

Updated: Nov 3, 2020

This was my husband's view this week. He gets to the job site early every morning and decided the capture the sunrise as well as the fall foliage. So beautiful!

I worshipped God for the sunrise and for the color of fall. I wondered how this scene looks from heaven's perspective. I wondered how everything looks from God's perspective. I began to press into His presence and ask how things look from His perspective. What is Your view, Jesus? Even regarding the year 2020, what is Your perspective? He began to speak to my heart...

The Son is rising over this nation. Just as the season is changing in the natural, the season is changing for this nation and for the nations.

Holy Spirit took me to the potter's wheel that Jeremiah saw: "But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him." Jeremiah 18:4 (Read the entire passage.)

This marred nation is still in His hands. He has put us back on the potter's wheel. He is reforming and reshaping us for His glory. Not only that, but He is healing us. That which was marred will be healed. This process requires lots of pressure from the potter's hands, lots of spinning seemingly out of control but do not fear because the POTTER is in control.

This was a very encouraging encounter with the Lord. Take heart, He is in control even though it seems like things are spinning out of control. He is reshaping and healing this nation. Just worship Him for His mercy.

I also heard Him say that we should pray and declare that He is the desire of the nations. This comes from Haggai. Let's declare it over the nations. Like little children they do not know what is really good for them. Join me, let's prophesy over the nations:

Nations, you desire Jesus!

USA, you desire Jesus!

Israel, you desire Jesus!

China, you desire Jesus!

Africa, you desire Jesus!

Ireland, you desire Jesus!

Germany, you desire Jesus!

Italy, you desire Jesus!

England, you desire Jesus!

Scotland, you desire Jesus!

Spain, you desire Jesus!

Nations, your real desire is Jesus!

Nations, let the Son rise over you

and heal your land.


The Greatest Romance

Get my book! The Greatest Romance is a 10-week devotional style Bible study on The Song of Solomon. Verse by verse, all the symbolism (sexual and otherwise) is unlocked enabling you to understand this mystifying book and apply it to your relationship with Jesus.

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  • The Savior's deep love and longing for you

  • Your true value

  • Freedom from generational issues

  • How you look in the realm of the spirit

  • What hinders your intimacy with Him

  • How to reach your destiny

  • The true purpose of The Song of Solomon

  • And much more.

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IG: @mountaintop_manna


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