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Vision: Treacherous Crossover

Vision 9.22.22: In my prayer time this morning, I saw a horizontal ladder. It spanned two land masses over a great divide. People were in various stages of trying to crawl across to the other side. The journey was very difficult as well as very dangerous.

Interpretation: Holy Spirit revealed the meaning to me, showing me the two land masses represent different things to different people. Some are trying to crossover from darkness to light. Others are trying to escape deception and their pursuit of truth has brought them to this crossover ladder. Ultimately, the crossover ladder delivers them from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son.

“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness

and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son

Colossians 1:13 ESV

I sensed it took tremendous courage to begin the journey because crossing over meant turning one's back on an entire lifestyle and belief system. It meant facing ridicule and shame from family, friends, and co-workers.

As I began to understand, I saw another layer added to the vision. Evil spirits were stationed at the entrance to the ladder as well as across the entire ladder. They were taunting and hindering those who were trying to crossover.

Prayer Assignment: Feeling great compassion for these people, I began to pray and intercede for them. I prayed that they would have courage and that they would not give up or turn back. I prayed that God would send His angels to escort them safely across into the arms of Jesus.

Please join me in intercession for the lost weary souls who are trying to crossover.


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