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Visitation and Equipping for Breakthrough

I feel impressed to encourage you that we are entering a season where is breakthrough is possible. So much so, that Holy Spirit wants to equip us to walk in it.

First thing this morning (1/6/21), I was greeted by mercy. Some mornings I am more aware of God's new mercy for each day than I am on other mornings. This morning mercy was on a mission to equip me and did not come alone. Mercy was accompanied by God's goodness and love. Both enveloped me, completely overwhelming me. Mercy then began to hand me the armor of God. Piece by piece was handed to me and I put it on, worshipping Jesus:

Jesus, You are truth and I put You on (John 14:6).

Jesus, You are my righteousness and I put You on (2 Cor. 5:21).

Jesus, You are the gospel of peace and I put You on (Romans 16:20).

Jesus, You are my salvation and I put you on (John 3:16).

Mercy then put an ephod of authority and government on my shoulders. I worshipped Jesus.

Jesus, unto You belongs all authority and power in heaven and in earth (Matt 28:18). I accept the authority you have placed on my shoulders.

Mercy then put a mitre on my forehead. It had the name of the Lord on it. And I declared, "I am holiness unto the Lord" (Exodus 28:36-38, Revelation 22:4).

Mercy then handed me the shield of faith. I held it up and activated it by declaring, "I stop every fiery dart of the enemy targeting me and my family in the name of Jesus." Three of the fiery darts that I am blocking in this season (and I believe they are common to all believers in this hour) are fear, division, and offense.

Mercy handed me the sword of the spirit. I wielded it and activated it by declaring, "I overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony."

I began to pray in the spirit. I began to see myself living in the realm where my spoken word meets the spirit realm and has immediate impact. (Read that sentence again).

Mercy then handed me Divine favor. Humbled and thankful (because why me?), I accepted it. I went back to praying in the spirit. I heard,

"Ask for the big things."

"Ask for the impossible-without-God things."

My prayers became bolder and more pointed. I dared to ask for the big things and for the impossible-without-God things. My asking turned to thanking Him for them.

STAND - Having done all the above STAND. Believe God for the impossible! Don't waver in your faith.

PRAY IN THE SPIRIT - Do not neglect this. It's a powerful weapon that hits the target and builds up your spirit at the same time.

We are entering a season where is breakthrough is possible. Holy Spirit wants to equip us to walk in it. He wants to use us to bring heaven to earth. Press into Him. Get in His presence. Get in His word. Let Him equip you to establish His kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy.

This equipping involves spending so much time with Him and in His word that you become like Him, exuding His mercy, goodness, and love. You will walk as Jesus walked, do the works He did, and even greater works (John 14:12). "As He is, so am I in this world" 1 John 4:17.

That means boldly declaring the gospel, opening the eyes of the blind, healing the brokenhearted, healing the sick, delivering the oppressed, and setting the captives free. That means laying down your life in obedience to Him and His heart. It will take some equipping. I encourage you to humbly yield to the equipping that is being offered in this hour. Your breakthrough and that of others depends on it.


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IG: @mountaintop_manna

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