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Y'all Come to Supper

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Due to social distancing, we're not getting that supper invite. Most everyone is wisely staying and eating at home. We do, however, have one invitation to supper. Check it out. It's from Jesus.

I have prepared a table for you.

Come and dine.

I offer bread: my body broken.

I offer wine: my blood shed.

I offer honeycomb and honey,

Wine and milk.

Friends, please come;

Eat & drink;

Drink even more.

This is not a supper invitation where you find a babysitter and leave the children home. Your whole family is invited to The Lord's Supper. At this table, remember Jesus. Tell the children stories, true personal stories about His goodness, His provision, His protection, and His faithfulness. Don't tell them all the stories at once. Have supper again tomorrow and tell another story. Remember Jesus to them. Give them the elements of communion. Keep it simple and on their level. You don't need communion cups or the perfect cracker. Just improvise.

If you have older children and need to take it deeper, then do that. You can use the verses from the invitation (above). Maybe just one verse or phrase from a verse each day. If they are a little older, you may need to do a little studying or preparation beforehand.

Taking it deeper. Here are a few insights that may help you get started.

I have prepared a table for you. (Ps 23:5)

Talk about what would be on the Lord's table. Like: joy, peace, forgiveness, healing, mercy. Name maybe one item on His table and then let them name the other things. Take communion together.

The next day you could talk about the choices we have with regards to restaurants and what we eat. We can eat at the wrong table, the enemy's table. What kind of things are on his table? Sorrow, pain, fear, sickness. Again, let them come up with the answers. Take communion together.

Come and dine. (John 21:1-14)

Read the passage together. Talk about how the Lord blesses the work of our hands, how He provides, how obedience is necessary to see His provision, and mostly about the resurrection. There are many lessons in this passage. If you have little ones, let them act out the story. They love that. Spread these lessons out over a few days and have communion each time.

I offer bread: my body broken.

I offer wine: my blood shed.

Matthew 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, Luke 22:19-20, 1 Cor. 11:23-26 There are so many lessons in the Lord's Supper. Salvation, eternal life, forgiveness, heaven and physical healing are just a few of those lessons. The blood part can be upsetting to little ones. Be sure to stress the resurrection that you learned about in the "Come and dine (John 21:1-14)" lesson.

I offer honeycomb and honey,

Wine and milk.

Friends, please come;

Eat & drink;

Drink even more. (SOS 5:1)

This verse is a little hard to understand and maybe only for the older ones.

Jesus went into His garden. That's our spirit. He is inside us. He gathers the myrrh and spices which symbolize our worship. Is there any worship in your spirit? What are you thankful for? Worship and take communion together.

He then offers us honeycomb - you have to chew honeycomb for a while to get the honey out. It's a picture of meditating (chewing) on the word (honeycomb) until wisdom (honey) is found. Take communion together.

He offers us wine. Wine is joy, peace, and rest. It is also symbolic of the His blood and of the Holy Spirit. Take communion together.

He offers us milk. MIlk is for the babies or younger ones. It is His Word in the form of Bible stories that will help their faith grow. Take communion together.

Milk was a staple in the promise land (a land flowing with milk and honey). Milk means He offers us His promises. Take communion together.

Friends, please come; Eat & drink; Drink even more. He offers us His Word (honeycomb, honey, and milk). He offers us wine -- His blood and the Holy Spirit. He wants us to gorge ourselves on Him. Take communion together.

I know the Lord will bless you and your family greatly!! Give me some feedback about your experience taking communion as a family.

The Lord's Supper with your family.


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