Debbie's Books & Bible Studies

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The Greatest Romance

This devotional-based Bible study fully explores The Song of Solomon. Verse by verse, all the symbols and metaphors are unlocked, enabling you to:
Rest in the assurance of His love
Realize your true value
See yourself as He sees you
Discover the walls that hinder your relationship with Him
Overcome shame, unworthiness, insecurities, and generational issues
Live victoriously through His love
Unlock the sexual symbolism and metaphors

Paul's Warfare Manual
It's common knowledge that the armor of God is presented in Ephesians 6. What many do not realize is that Paul begins laying a foundation for successful warfare in the very first chapter of Ephesians. He builds on that foundation throughout the book. Spiritual warfare should never be waged until the proper foundational truths become woven into our identity. Chapter after chapter, Paul teaches us truths that we must continually walk in for victory.

This 7 part study on the anointing is meant to answer some common questions. For instance: What is the anointing? How do you become anointed? How do you sustain an anointing? My prayer is that by understanding the anointing, you will be able to facilitate a greater anointing for the glory of God and the furtherance of His kingdom. If this is your prayer, then this study is for you.

Reviews for
The Greatest Romance
Debbie Welty has written a thorough and inviting devotional study on one of the most misunderstood books in Scripture. The heart that Debbie has for Jesus in her daily life comes through in this great work. I believe you will be blessed and strengthened to love Jesus in a deeper way as you journey with Debbie through the Song of Solomon. (Pastor Anthony Craver, Upward Christian Fellowship, Flat Rock, NC) I'm only on Day 2 and already my heart feels lighter! (MBV) I am loving this study! It is exactly what God wants to speak to me during this time. (Amber) Deep Calls Unto Deep... Get ready for a deep experience with Christ in this devotional book! (Candace) What a profound and applicable way to use this wonderful, yet often misunderstood, Old Testament book. Mrs. Welty was truly inspired by the Holy Spirit in this work. This ten-week journey will change your life and those who study with you. Thank you for creating such a wonderful devotional guide for all who follow and love Jesus. (Dr. Charles Travis President/Founder Aidan University, Logos Global Network, Jacksonville, Florida Deep revelation in such an easy-to-understand manner. Get this and dive deep to know God's love for you! (Chris) Wonderfully written, easy to follow, and absolutely needed in the body of Christ. (Melissa) This is fantastic! (AM)