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5 Tons of Stone

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

Updated: Oct 29, 2019

Recently, my husband had 5 tons of stone delivered to our house. A huge dump truck came and dumped the entire load of stone in our driveway. I was awestruck at how massive the pile was. A load is huge. It's overwhelming!

I heard the Lord say: I daily load my people with benefits. Sadly, many of my people are not using the resources that I have provided. They are so focused on their circumstances that they do not even see my provision for them. Remind them that what they cannot see is more real than that which they can see.

"So we don't look at the troubles we can see now;

rather we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen."

2 Corinthians 4:18

Every day there is a new load of mercy.

Every day there is a new load of grace.

Every day there is a new load of joy.

Every day there is a new load of peace.

Every day there is a new load of hope.

Every day there is a new load of favor.

Every day there is a new load of His goodness.

Ask Him for wisdom, and you will have it.

Need strength? It's wrapped up in joy.

These things cannot be seen, but scripture tells us that they are more real than our circumstances.

"Blessed be the Lord,

who daily loads us with benefits,

even the God of our salvation!


Psalm 68:19

In the 23rd Psalm, we are told that the Lord prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemy. The Lord's table offers dishes heaped with mercy, forgiveness, grace, hope, peace, joy, life, love, favor, truth, healing....

The enemy is also present and offers us heaps of worry, stress, hopelessness, lies, pain, discouragement .....

Father lets us choose which table we eat from. He lets us choose what we focus on. We can focus on our circumstances or we can focus on His benefits that will help us overcome our circumstances.

Father, help me focus on the things unseen, those benefits that you supply each and every day. I want my jaw to drop at the enormous amounts of mercy and grace that are dumped on me every day. I want to be overwhelmed by the load of your love, joy & peace that's delivered every day. I choose to focus on your favor, faithfulness, and goodness - all in vast supply to me every day. I focus on Jesus. He is my hope, my breakthrough, my victory, my everything. Thank you that as I get my focus right, I will realize that you are for me and that I lack for nothing. Hallelujah!

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