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7 Lemons

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

Prophetic Dream - Aug 2020: I saw 7 ripe lemons.

The number 7 points to complete or perfect. Lemons are useful for purifying, purging, and cleansing.

The Holy Spirit impressed upon me that a deep spiritual cleansing is coming. The bride will be without spot or wrinkle. Complete cleansing is coming to the House of God (1 Peter 4:17).

Perfect purification will take place not only in the religious arena but also in government. A thorough purging is coming to high places of government on every level: national, state, county, and city. Even the education system will be shaken and purged. I thought about the teaching by Lance Walnau: The Seven Mountains which are








If you are an intercessor, pray into this perfect purging, this complete cleansing which can only be accomplished by the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to flood our land like a mighty river of fire, purifying and purging away everything that is impure, unclean, and unholy. Corruption and greed in high places will come down in the name of Jesus.

In the fall of 2019, I attended the Light the FIRE Again Conference in Brownsville, FL. At the conference, God's presence and glory were so strong, that my head started shaking, almost violently. Shaking, shaking, and shaking. I believe that God was doing a supernatural work in my thinking. He has further impressed on me that a mighty and supernatural shaking is coming especially to the HEADS of organizations in the 7 areas listed above.

Jesus Cleansed the Temple

"Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers.’” (Matthew 21:12-13, NIV).

Is this scary? Isn't it time that the fear of God fell on our land again, that Godly fear invaded every part of our society? 7 lemons of complete cleansing, of perfect purification and purging are about to be squeezed out by the Almighty. This acidic judgment will hit the heads first but it will run down and affect the whole.


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IG: @mountaintop_manna



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