During a night watch, I had a vision of a train track. As I began to pray into that vision and ask the Lord why He was showing me a train track, I heard a train coming from my right. I could not see it yet but could tell by the sound that it was getting closer very quickly. Suddenly, I could see the train. It was coming fast and furiously. It was as if a tangible anger was fueling the train, pushing it faster and faster. I knew then that this train carried the enemy's plans for this nation.
Next, I saw a railroad switch move and change the trajectory of the train. I couldn't see what moved the switch. It seemed as if the wind moved it. The Lord impressed on me that "words/prayers/decrees" carried on the wind are what moved the railroad switch changing the trajectory of the train. I continued to watch the train as it jerked into its new trajectory. To my astonishment, the new set of tracks ended abruptly thrusting the charging train into rubble heaped up on itself for the world to see. As I was looking at the rubble, I heard
another train approaching. I looked back in that direction and saw the railroad switch was activated by the wind again allowing this train to travel clear across the nation. This train is God's plan for the nation. It is fueled by love, fire, and glory. It carries truth, justice, freedom, and revival.
Keep releasing your
words, prayers, and decrees!
We are about to see the
enemies' plans derailed.
Listen and you will hear
God's plans coming down the track.
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IG: @mountaintop_manna
Email: debbieywelty@yahoo.com