Dream: 8/12/20
I was scrolling Facebook and came across a post that said:
That's all it said. Immediately, I woke up and knew that God had a message for me. I got up, wrote the numbers down, and then went back to bed. The next morning I started seeking God about what these numbers could mean. I find that a dream is an invitation into His presence. That's the best part, His presence. Once I'm in His presence, I began to talk to Him about the dream. He impressed on me to look up the number in my Strong's Exhausted Concordance. He further impressed on me that I was to look at the Greek number.
5582 represents the Greek word is pseuma. It means fabrication, falsehood, lie. It comes from a root word (5574), pseudomal, which means to attempt to deceive. 5583 is another word from the same family -- pseustes. It means a liar. 5584 is pselaphao and it means to manipulate. All the words from 5569-5584 indicate lies, liars, falsehoods, fabrication, deception, manipulation ...
5583 points to the father of lies. All lies all rooted in satan.
I was beginning to understand God's message. Facebook is a favorite avenue of liars, falsehood, and deception for the purpose of manipulation or control. Not all of Facebook, but a big majority of it cannot be trusted as fact. It's a great place to post pics of family and family activities. It's a great place to leave encouraging verses.
A few weeks ago, someone reminded me the Bible says that in the last days, false prophets will arise with lying signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
I think these false prophets who produce lying signs have infiltrated more than Facebook. They have infiltrated much of our media. A lot of the evidence produced is manufactured or twisted to control.
How can we make sure we are not believing or getting caught up in lies? If only there was a lie detector test we could apply. Well, think of it this way -- the opposite of a lie is the truth. It's the truth we are looking for. The truth will expose the lies.
Jesus said,
To answer the question: How can we make sure we are not believing or getting caught up in lies? First - be humble enough to admit that you could be deceived. Admit it's possible. Then:
Spend less time on Facebook.
Spend less time listening to the media.
Spend plenty of time with Jesus. He is the truth.
Spend time in His Word. His Word is truth.
Know Him and know His Word. This alone will keep you and me, the very elect, from being deceived.
That Facebook post from my dream
is burned in my brain.
It may as well have read:
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IG: @mountaintop_manna
Email: debbieywelty@yahoo.com