Last night in a dream, the Lord handed me a purple envelope. Inside was a beautiful invitation. Both the envelope and the invitation had a lavender scent. In fact, there was an oily residue, especially on the invitation. It's like I had been expecting the invitation because I thought knew exactly what the event was. But I was surprised!

How you ever received an invitation to a multi-step event? Sometimes a wedding invitation has other events listed on it like a bridal shower, the rehearsal dinner, the wedding, and the reception following the wedding.
The color purple symbolizes royalty. *
This invitation is from the King of all Kings.
Lavender is associated with purification, healing, calming, and honor. **
The oily residue is obviously anointing oil.
Of course, this multi-event invitation is not just for me. It's for you too.
We are invited to know Him and His love.
We are invited to a greater level of intimacy with Jesus. He dearly longs for us to take Him up on this offer.
We are invited to step into the authority He has given us and partner with Holy Spirit in establishing the Father's kingdom on this earth.
We are invited to know the secrets of God. He would love for us to sit with Him and let Him show us great & mighty things.
We are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.
All of this is optional.
We can choose to accept each item listed on the invitation, decline it, or ignore it. Some people accept the first item on the invitation - to know Him and His love. Sadly, they never go very deep in their relationship with Him.
I imagine that you are like me and will RSVP immediately.
"Respond So Very Promptly" with worship and acceptance to all He invites us to partake of.
Of course, this means making room for these events on your calendar.
1. Must set aside time for intimacy.
2. Partnering with Holy Spirit needs to become a priority in your schedule however inconvenient it may be.
3. What a privilege to listen to His secrets - gotta make time for that as well.
If I prioritize those 3, He will make sure that I have a seat of honor at the marriage supper of the Lamb. See you there!
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