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A Sweet Ride

Let me say up front that this is not our car. We saw this Super Bee when we were eating out and while controlling trying his drool, my husband took a picture of it. It is a beauty!

Dodge Super Bee

This week the Lord spoke the word "Realignment" to me. He impressed on me the need for consistent realignment.

Even a car as awesome the Super Bee needs to be checked periodically for alignment. We regularly take our "ordinary" vehicles in for realignment. If we don't they begin to pull to one side of the road or the other. Something as simple as hitting a pothole that couldn't be avoided can throw out the alignment.

I've seen people who walk crooked or wonky because their back is out of alignment. They did something that threw it out. A trip to the chiropractor for realignment or an adjustment is recommended.

Spiritually we walk and live in a fallen world, we bump into things that throw out our alignment. This affects our trajectory. It becomes very difficult to move forward in the right direction. We constantly struggle to stay on the right path. We wonder why it is so difficult to make forward progress.

We need to be realigned with God's Word, His plans and His heart. We need to spend some time in His presence letting Him adjust and calibrate us.

I'm convinced that we need to do this very often. Again, we live in a world full of potholes. The enemy puts them in our path. On the way to our destiny, we hit a pothole. We grit our teeth and think, "Shew! That was a close one but I got through it, devil". What we don't realize is that the "close one" threw us out of alignment. Perhaps it was just a little jolt but now our trajectory is off.

"Do not conform any longer

to the pattern of this world,

but be transformed

by the renewing of your mind."

Romans 12:2

This Dodge Super Bee can take the owner to beautiful destinations. Likewise, God has beautiful plans for you but if you are out of alignment, you're going to struggle more than necessary to get to your destiny. Take time for regular alignment. Sit with Holy Spirit and let Him adjust you.

"Search me, O God, and know my heart;

test me and know my anxious thoughts.

See if there is any offensive way in me,

and lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalm 139:23-24

Taking the time to do this will make for A Sweet Ride into your destiny.


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