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ABBA's Smiling

1/3/24 This morning I had a strong sense that Abba is smiling. More than just smiling. He is bursting with joy and love! As I communed with Him, I realized that He is thrilled because He is gaining many children in this season, sons and daughters are being added to the kingdom. They are coming from every direction. They make up every age group, ethnicity, and economic group. Diverse, yet they all look like their Father. Many (hundreds, thousands) are in the spiritual birth canal. They are being born again. Abba is so proud and happy to receive them. They are covered in blood as they exit the spiritual birth canal, the precious, precious blood of Jesus.


My mind flashed to the open border where thousands of immigrants are flooding into our nation daily.  This is a picture of how souls are coming into the Kingdom of God. By the thousands, they are leaving the kingdom of darkness and entering the Kingdom of Light.  I sensed Holy Spirit saying, “The immigrants think they are only changing nations, perhaps pursuing a better life as in a promise land.  Or perhaps, they’re coming across with motives to do harm. But watch as they are ambushed with truth & love. Many that are coming across with motives to do harm will soon be part of the harvest of souls.”


Recently, I received the wonderful news that I have another grandchild on the way.  I prayed for my son and daughter-in-love to have the capacity for expansion in their hearts, family, finances, and home. I prayed for the 3 children they already have, that they would have the capacity for expansion, the sharing of their bedrooms, etc.


It struck me that the same prayers need to be made for the body of Christ. Abba, expand our capacity to love. Expand our hearts for the new babies. Expand the capacity of pastors to shepherd more of Your sheep. Expand our territory. Expand the finances of the churches so they can expand their buildings. Expand the leadership teams.  Abba, let us catch a glimpse of Your smiling face and be impacted with the same joy and love that You have for this massive harvest.


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