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Affliction and Abundance in 2022

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

What can we as Christians expect in 2022? I believe we will see God's abundance come forth amid affliction and opposition. Indeed we face overwhelming pressures in this season of mandates & political unrest. Biblical truths and those who hold to them are being challenged on many fronts. Even though these afflictions or trials are very real, the Lord is showing me that believers can position themselves to experience abundance in this season - an abundance of favor, an abundance of provision, an abundance of mercy, and an abundance of God's goodness in every area for His people.

I have been meditating on Psalm 68:11(NLT):

"You (God) crown the year with a bountiful harvest;

Even the hard pathways overflow with abundance."

The hard pathways, the hard things we have to walk through will overflow with an abundant harvest. After praying into this verse for several days, the Lord gave me a dream.

Dream 1/13/22: My oatmeal was in the microwave and was overflowing out of its bowl.


Oatmeal symbolizes life in every area including health & finances.

The microwave symbolizes afflictions, trails, fiery trials, opposition.

Overflowing is a picture of Psalm (23:5 NIV):

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows."

Just meditate on that verse for a few minutes. The enemy is present. He is not even being subtle anymore. He is in our face, upfront and personal, trying to intimidate us and outright attack us.

Our Father has prepared an abundant feast for us. It's a feast of His goodness, His favor, His provision, His protection, His healing, His mercy, supernatural joy and peace. Father showed me that an abundance of wisdom and revelation is being made available to us in this hour. All we have to do is sit down, position ourselves at His table.

The enemy tries to distract us with a table that he has prepared. He LOUDLY rings the dinner bell announcing that what he offers is our lot, our only choice. The enemies table offers fear, dread, worry, doubt, discouragement, …

There will be hard pathways to walk through in 2022 and we will need a supernatural anointing to walk through it. This supernatural anointing is offered at the Lord's table. Sit with Him and feast on Him. Feast on His faithfulness and goodness. Receive the anointing He pours out on you. Let it cover your head (mind & thoughts). You will experience overflow. There won't be room enough to contain it.

What we can expect going forward in 2022?

A bountiful harvest and grace to walk the hard pathways.


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