True story. Happened this week.
Glenda was standing on a wooden plank in her blueberry patch. Trying to keep her balance was difficult because overtime the plank has rotted and become unstable. Unfortunately, she twisted both her ankle and her knee, which also affected her back and her walk. Pain all around. She had thrown herself completely out of alignment.

As we were praying and ministering to Glenda, the Lord gave me a word for the body of Christ.
The nation has become unstable in many ways. Take heed where you stand on certain issues. What appears to be the right place to stand is a trap to twist you, twist your thinking, deceive you, and get you out of alignment with the truth. The enemy is working overtime to distract the people of God from what is really important. His goal to get their eyes off the truth. He wants us focused on half-truths, twisted truths, and outright lies. This will affect our walk, our balance, our witness, and could ultimately lead to our destruction.
"Do not become easily unsettled
or alarmed by the teaching
allegedly from us,
whether by a prophecy
or by word of mouth
or by letter (or by the media).
Don’t let anyone deceive you
in any way,
for that the day of the Lord
will not come until the rebellion occurs
and the man of lawlessness is revealed,
the man doomed to destruction."
2 Thessalonians 2:2-3, NIV
(Parenthesis mine)
"… insomuch that, if it were possible,
they shall deceive the very elect."
Matthew 24:24
So, what can we do to guard against being deceived?
"Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things" (Philippians 4:4-8, NKJV).
"Fix your eyes on Jesus,
the author and finisher of your faith."
Hebrews 12:2
The important action words (what we can do to guard against deception) are:
rejoice, be gentle, don't be anxious, pray, give thanks, think and focus on the good stuff.
The result of those actions will be:
the God of peace, Himself,
will guard your heart and mind
through Christ Jesus.
I'm reminded of a song we sang as children:
"Oh, be careful little eyes what you see. Oh, be careful little ears what you hear.
For the Father up above is looking down in love.
Oh, be careful ...."
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