A prophetic word about coronavirus:
The Lord of Heaven says, "I hear your prayers. I am on the throne. I will judge rightly. This virus is not from Me or of Me, but do you not know that I can take what the enemy means for evil and use it for good?
You cannot see what I see. You cannot hear what I hear. Things are going on in hearts and homes behind the closed doors. I see and hear lost sheep crying out to me. They are opening their hearts to me.
This is not about my people -- for they know who and Whose they are. They know where their help comes from. They abide in my shadow of protection. They have welcomed the blood atonement of my Son on the doorposts of their hearts.
This is about those who know about me, they actually know a lot about me. They believe that I am God, yet they feel they don't need me in their lives. They have limited the access they give me in their lives. Some have served me from afar, on their own terms, and in secret.
But they are mine and
I am jealously drawing them back!
This is a private moment between Myself and them. In the privacy of their homes, what began with half-hearted prayers for themselves and largely for their grandparents to be protected from the virus, became prayers of deep repentance and a whole-hearted coming back to me.
Hear Me, pastors, church leaders, and believers: when the doors of the church open again, a new harvest will come in and no man will get the glory. These new ones are significant for My plans. They will need spiritual mothers and fathers that will:
Receive them openly.
Integrate them quickly.
Position them wisely.
Don’t' hold them back. They are my chosen ones for this next season. They will be carrying new wine and fresh fire! If you receive them well, you will be able to receive the new wine and fresh fire from them. They will replace those who have grown tired, stale, and ineffective. To a large degree, my church has isolated itself from the world. These new ones will be very effective inside and outside the church. My church will have a new face. A face that fears me and does not fear or regard man. They will walk in great faith, authority, and effectiveness for establishing heaven on earth."
Note from Debbie: If you are a pastor, please pass this forward to your colleagues. If you are not a pastor, please pass this forward to your pastor.

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Instagram: mountaintop-manna