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Boot Weather

Don't you love boot weather? I think ladies in particular love boot weather. Men could probably take or leave it, but we ladies sure like to strut around in our boots.

Recently, the Lord gave me a revelation about the "boots of the preparation of the gospel of peace" which is found in Ephesians 6. We are told to put on the whole armor of God so that we can stand against the wiles of the devil. That armor includes the "boots of the preparation of the gospel of peace".

I've been taught that putting on those boots means being prepared to share the gospel wherever you go. While that's true, I think it symbolizes more than that.

Think about troops that are on the ground to keep the peace. Soldiers have established a certain amount of peace in the area and now these troops are enforcing it or making sure nothing comes against it. They are prepared to do whatever is necessary to keep peace in the ground they've gained.

The gospel pf peace establishes the kingdom of God. His kingdom of "righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost" are ours because of Christ. As soldiers, in addition to taking new ground (winning souls), it's our responsibility to guard the kingdom in our domain, to keep the peace and the victory already gained. We are to stand against anything that tries to drive us back in the area of righteousness. We are to stand against anything that tries to steal our peace or joy.

When challenged in any one of these areas. you can be sure the enemy is at work. The boots are for advancing as well as guarding the kingdom. So, guard it. Don't let the enemy have your peace or your joy. Crush his efforts under those peacekeeping boots.

"Be excellent at what is good,

and be innocent of evil,

and the God of peace

will soon crush Satan

underneath your feet."

Romans 16:19&20

Boots are for crushing the enemy and his schemes. The boots of Roman soldiers had cleats on the bottom much like a golfer's shoes. The soldiers dug those cleats into the ground so they could keep their balance during combat. Anchor your faith by standing on scripture and use that to defeat your enemy and keep the peace. It's a battle and you may not win immediately but if you stand your ground and don't back down, soon ...

You will crush him!

You will win!!

Every victory we gain brings more glory to Christ. He is the one to whom all praise is due.

So, bless the name of Jesus. This really upsets your enemy! Go ahead and do a little praise dance with your sassy boots on.


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Debbie Welty
Debbie Welty
Nov 11, 2019

Brent, thank you for believing in me!


brent welty
Nov 10, 2019

Fantastic truth! Well said! Thank you for sharing. So proud of you!

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