During my prayer time I had a vision of a mouth with braces.
Immediately, a verse from Proverbs 22 (which I had read maybe an hour ago) came to mind.
"Bow down your ear,
and hear the words of the wise,
and apply your heart
unto my knowledge.
For it is a pleasant thing
if you keep them within you;
they shall be fitted withal in your lips."
Proverbs 22:17&18
Hebraic word study:
"fitted" - to be directed aright
"withal" - become united with
"lips" - speech
We all know the purpose of braces. Usually, it is so that a person can have a more pleasant appearance or smile. I actually googled: the purpose of braces. I found that braces also correctly align the teeth so that a person can chew properly and speak properly. Braces affect overall dental health which in turn affects a person's physical health.
Thinking about teeth and lips reminded me of Song of Solomon 4 (it's okay to laugh when you read it).
"Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep
that are even shorn,
which came up from the washing;
whereof every one bears twins,
and none is barren among them.
Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet,
and thy speech is comely."
Song of Solomon 4:2-3a
Jesus says His bride's (that's us) teeth compare to a whole flock of sheep which have been evenly and skillfully shaved for their wool. These sheep have also just been bathed and are followed by twin lambs, none of the sheep are barren. Oh my, what does all that say about us?
“Teeth” signify eating. Think about sheep. They eat grass. Sheep regurgitate the grass and chew it again so they can have proper digestion. This is where we get the phrase “chew the cud”. We are the sheep of His pasture and we eat His Word.
Just as the sheep regurgitate the grass and chew it again, we are to meditate on the Word of God or chew it again and again. This constant chewing on their cud makes the sheep's teeth even or “even shorn”. Just like braces align our teeth and make them straight, meditating on the Word aligns our spiritual teeth, making them straight and even. This makes our theology balanced. Many teeth have names synonymous with wisdom: wisdom teeth, incisors (insight), and eye teeth (see, understand). Wisdom, which comes from meditating on the Word, makes us beautiful to the Lord.
These sheep “came up from the washing”. They were washed, probably at a river or stream. This refers to Ephesians 5:26: “The washing of the water of the Word”. As we meditate on the Word, it cleanses our hearts and lives.
Now the phrase: “everyone bears twins and none is barren among them”. The teeth or the mouth speaks, it witnesses or testifies. This witnessing brings forth fruit or disciples. We are not spiritually barren. We reproduce for the Lord; we win people to Him. It says we not only reproduce but we also “bear twins”. This refers to a double portion. Our mouths can actually bring us into a double portion.
Now, let's think about those "lips that are like a thread of scarlet". In Bible times, the blood of an animal was used to dye cloth scarlet. We can connect that with the blood of Jesus, but how does that tie in with our lips? Scarlet or red lips indicate health, while pale lips indicate faintness, weakness, or infirmity. The Bible says our lips (our speech) establish us in health and in victory. “I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore, choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19).
The bridegroom said, “Thy speech is “comely”. The words we say should be beautiful and lovely. We must realize the power of our words. We should be speaking positive things over ourselves and others. Your speech, the words you say, should be complementary to the work of Christ’s blood. “And they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony” (Revelations 12:11).
Here's is my rendition of Song of Solomon 4:2-3. All the symbolism and metaphors have been replaced with words we can actually apply to our lives:
"You've carefully balanced your life with wisdom;
You have washed your soul with my Word,
which has made you fruitful
even to a double portion.
You are not spiritually barren.
Your lips are beautifully stained with my blood.
This is evident in your wise declarations of life."
Now, back to the vision of a mouth with braces. Spiritual braces would be wisdom and knowledge, especially when they come from the Word.
Like braces affect our chewing, wisdom affects our ability to breakdown truth into digestible, applicable parts. This in-turn influences our speech, our health, and our joy (like braces affect our smile).
Regarding Proverbs 22:17-18: Speech, "fitted" with wisdom and knowledge to the degree that we become "united" with it, will affect every area of our lives positively.
The very next day, I read Proverbs 23 and found this verse:
Yes, my reins will rejoice,
when your lips speak right things.
Proverbs 23:16
Hebraic word study:
"reins" - seat of emotion and affection
"lips" - speech
God's emotions and affections for us rejoice when we speak right things. When we speak wisely, we make Him rejoice.
That's what I want. I want to make Him rejoice. Orthodontist, here I come. I going to chew on His Word, get wisdom and knowledge so that my theology is balanced (even teeth). This is going to affect my speech which will affect my whole life. I will have a beautiful smile because of God's joy which my own lips have brought me.
To read more blogs by Debbie Welty, go to https://www.debbiewelty-blog.com/blog
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