Dream: Recently my deceased grandfather, who I affectionately called Dado, appeared in a dream. I said goodbye to him and went on my way. Next, I was driving a big yellow school bus down the road. When I came around the bend, I saw my grandfather's semi-truck and flatbed alongside the road. Dado was a long-haul trucker with a hobby of picking up scrap metal. That's what he was doing - picking up a load of scrap metal from the side of the road. I stopped to greet him and notice the scrap was very interesting. "That's an odd item, Dado. What was that?", I asked. My grandfather started to answer me. He would have been happy to tell me all about each item but I realized that I needed to be on my way. I got in the big yellow school bus and drove away. I left Dado and his scrap metal treasures alongside the road.
Interpretation: Generational issues will try to haunt you and come back into your life. Politely refuse them and be about your God-given assignment. I am called to be a teacher to the body of Christ. I need to stay focused on my mission and not allow generational issues to pull me aside.
Some may need to stop and deal with generational issues properly. If that's your case, then stop and deal with them. If you don't, you will find your metaphorical bus loaded down with heavy scraps from the past that will hinder you in completing what you are called to do.
Personally, I have dealt with those issues and choose not to go around that bend again. Don’t let the enemy distract you and take you in circles over things that are in the past. If you have repented, forgiven, and broken off the generational curses, then stay focused on the mission God has for you. Get in your metaphorical bus and drive away, even if you have to leave them on the side of the road.
"Bye, Dado! I love you but I gotta go."
Check out my book and Bible studies:
The Greatest Romance is a wonderful guide into the perfect love of God.
Paul's Warfare Manuel is a study of the book of Ephesians.
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