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Call to Prayer: Bestiality

Two nights in a row, I had a vile dream that I was involved in bestiality. I will spare you the horrific details. The first night I had the dream, I woke up in panic mode as if it was a nightmare. I took it to be just that – a nightmare sent by the enemy. I felt such shame and repulsion. Of course, I rebuked the dream.

The following night, I had the dream again. Having prayed specifically over my dreams, committing them to Lord, I wondered why I had the dream again. Had I opened some door? Was there something evil in my heart that I needed to repent of? I sought the Lord. “Why, Father, please show me why I’m having these dreams? You must be allowing them because I have rebuked them and prayed over my dreams.”

He impressed on me the great need for intercessors to pray against this movement. He told me His gatekeepers need to acknowledge that the movement exists and hold it back. We choose to be surrounded by truth, righteousness, and godliness sometimes to the detriment of society. He wants to make us more aware of things we don’t want to think about or even know about.

Father God is waking us up to see the enemy advancing in this area. Bestiality is one of satan’s vile agendas against our children, their innocence, their identity, and their destinies in this hour. Just because he cannot rip them from the womb, does not mean he will not come at them in other ways. He is out to steal, kill, and destroy the children. Bestiality is the next step after transgenderism. We must not ignore this evil strategy of the enemy against children. Here are some Bible verses about bestiality.

In my dream, there was a spirit of seduction present. Merriam Webster defines seduction as a verb meaning: to carry out physical seduction, to entice to sexual intercourse.

Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron” (1 Timothy 4:1-2).

Intercessors arise. Cry out against the seductive spirit of bestiality. Bind it from influencing our children, our youth, our culture, and our nation. Give it absolutely no liberty. Ask for the spirit of holiness and the fear of the Lord to fall. Continue to decree truth, revival, and reformation for our land. Pray for parents, principals, teachers, and children's pastors. Pray not only that they would awaken to this evil agenda but that they would have godly wisdom to address it in their spheres of influence. Pray, pray, pray! Yield to the Holy Spirit and intercede. Thank you for joining me in prayer.


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