Vision (9.16.21): I saw a basket and heard the Lord say, "Tell them to clean out their baskets." I peered into the basket and saw prayer burdens, big ones & little ones. Prayer burdens for the nations, for the harvest, and for the Church. Prayer burdens for loved ones, friends, and very real personal prayer burdens. I noticed that most of these burdens had something attached to them, almost like a burr. Upon closer examination, I realized that fear, worry, sorrow, or disappointment had attached itself to most of the burdens.
Jesus's words "Cast all your cares on me, for I care for you" came up in my spirit. He does not want us to carry these burdens. He wants us to lay them at His feet as we worship Him. Place the burdens at His feet along with the fear, worry, sorrow, & disappointment. Let Him minister to your heart. Let Him lighten your load.
Once the burdens were out of the basket and laying at Jesus' feet, I saw eggs in the bottom of the basket. Some of the eggs were missed shaped because of the weight from burdens that once covered them. The Lord's admonition came strongly that we are to protect these eggs. They are the dreams and prophetic words spoken to us by the Holy Spirit. We are to pray over them. We must turn them over and examine them to see if a burr of doubt or unbelief has attached itself to them. We must rehearse the promises. We must recount the prophecies. We must worship Jesus and thank Him for these unhatched eggs. They are precious and must be kept safe in your basket.
The Lord further impressed me to make sure the eggs were cushioned. I wondered what to use as a cushion. He said, "Bread." I knew He was referring to the word of God, manna from heaven. This is what will cushion, protect, and even nurture our eggs. Our baskets should only contain bread and eggs, for these are staples of life and hope.
You can be sure that I cleaned out my basket, I hope you do too.
Check out my book: The Greatest Romance is a wonderful guide into the perfect love of God.
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