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Come & Get It: Hot Apple Crisp

Updated: Feb 17, 2020

It's been unusually cold this fall. After a day of running errands (burr), I wanted to make something hot and comforting. I decided to make Apple Crisp. Yummy!

"Come & get it while it's hot", I yelled as I took my Apple Crisp from the oven. My husband, who had been smelling the aroma of it baking for an hour, was very eager to sample this treat fresh out of the oven. Other family members (those with more self-control) opted to wait until later.

When we have an opportunity to encounter God, we should never hesitate or put it off. The reason I say this is because hesitating or putting it off gives the enemy an opportunity to plant doubts in your mind. He will come at you with thoughts like "God did it for them but He won't' do it for you". Doubts will greatly hinder you from receiving from God.

The Bible says we should be like little children. They would want the apple crisp now and fully expect to receive it immediately. They are not too proud to let their desire be known.

Let's respond to the Lord with a childlike boldness. Let's take Him up on all He offers us: love, salvation, Holy Spirit (the ultimate Comforter), a future, hope, peace, wisdom, healing, and so much more. Just like apple crisp is optional, so are many God's blessings.

He bids us "Come, partake". We can accept the invitation, ignore it, or outright reject it (see the parable of the wedding feast Matthew 22:1-10).

He bids us, "Come, partake".

"Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you'll discover that I am gentle, humble, and easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear" (Matthew 11:28-30; Passion Translation).

"Come, everything is ready now" (Luke 14:17; Passion Translation).

"The Spirit and the bride say, "Come". And let the one who hears say, "Come". Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes to take the free gift of the water of life come" (Revelations 22:17, NIV).

Come and partake.

He is offering life and life abundant.

"Carpe diem!" Seize the day.

I will not hesitate. I will not be too proud to receive His gifts. I will not delay or make excuses.

All of those responses give the enemy an opportunity to gain a foothold in my life.

My prayer:

Father, help me be open, humble, and receptive of all that You've made available. I don't want the thief to have anything that You intended for me to have. Help me be attentive to Your voice and hear Your call, "Come and partake". When the invitation is just to sit and be with You, I want to be quick to respond with a sincerely eager "Yes, please". When the invitation is for a deeper understanding of Your word, I want to be instantly and truly teachable. And let me be quick to thank You, honor You and give You praise.

Father, You are so good!!!!

And all your gifts are good!!


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1 comentário

brent welty
11 de nov. de 2019

Sweet treat! Sweet Word! Thanks!

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