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Conceal Carry?

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

Yes, I do! It's time all Christians did.

I am so serious about this issue that I conceal carry a whole arsenal of both weapons and ammo.

This is an excerpt from my soon coming book, The Greatest Romance:

Song of Solomon 4:4

Battle Ready

Christ is describing what He sees when He looks at us. Remember that He wants you to see

yourself this way. This time He is talking about your neck and your breasts. The question came to me, “What am I, a chicken?”


“Thy neck is like the tower of David

builded for an armoury,

whereon there hang a thousand bucklers,

all shields of mighty men.” (KJV)

In this verse, neck is literal. It connects the body to the head, thus holding up the head. The neck is compared to a tower. You might remember seeing pictures of ancient Egyptian women with their necks wrapped to elongate them, causing them to look something like a tower. This look was perceived as elegant, beautiful, and royal.

The word David in this verse refers to the king of Israel and captain of its army. An armory is a place where weapons are stored. Scripture admonishes you to “arm your mind” with the “mind of Christ” (1 Peter 4:1; Romans 8:31, 35–37; 1 John 4:4). Memorize the word: store it up in your mind as a weapon and a shield. Your mind should contain 1000 bucklers or shields. 1000 indicates that your mind should be totally full of these weapons. “Mighty men” refers to brave soldiers or heroes of war. Your mind can bring you into victory. Arm it well with the Word. My interpretation of verse 4 is as follows:

“Your lovely neck supports your mind

which you have stocked piled

as an armory with weapons

that defeat the enemy.

It contains a thousand shields,

like the ones that belonged

to David's mighty men.”


(Excerpt over. For info regarding my book, see below.)

Yes, I conceal carry. My armory includes:

BulletProof Vest - Breastplate of Righteousness

Ammo Belt - armed with rows and rows truth bullets.

Military Grade Boots - My mission of PEACE is clear. The GOSPEL brings true and everlasting peace. I must walk in absolute forgiveness and peace with my fellow man. I walk in spiritual authority and power

Helmet - I have carefully armed my mind. Salvation and victory are my mindsets. Love is my motivation. There is no room for fear. This keeps my mind sound.

Strong Shield - In my right hand, I hold up the shield of FAITH. I am skilled at stopping every fiery dart of the enemy.

Sharp Double-Edged Sword - This sword is in my mouth. I wield it by speaking truth. I sharpen it daily with 2 whetstones:

the Word - read and meditate on it daily

the Spirit - pray in tongues daily

Blood Covered Cloak - My arsenal is concealed under a blood-covered cloak. My enemy sees the blood and knows he is already defeated.

Songs of Praise - are in my heart. I am skilled at worship warfare.

I worship Him that became sin that I might become the righteousness of God.

I worship Him who is the way, the TRUTH, and the life.

I worship Him who is the gospel of peace.

I worship Him to whom belongs all authority and power.

I worship Him who saved my soul: my mind, will, and emotions.

He is my shield! I worship Him.

He is the Word and He is my sword.

By His Spirit, He leads me into victory.

Jesus is my armor. I worship Him.

It's all in WHO you know - The armor of God, the name, and blood of Jesus are only effective if you know and have a relationship with Him.

"Blessed be the Lord my strength

which teacheth my hands to war,

and my fingers to fight:

My goodness, and my fortress;

my high tower, and my deliverer;

my shield, and he in whom I trust

(Psalm 144: 1-2).

Notice that David referred to the Lord as my strength, my goodness, my fortress, my high tower, my deliverer, my shield. Victory is in WHO you know.

"The people that know their God

shall be strong,

and do great exploits"

Daniel 11:32


My book: The Greatest Romance

A ten-week devotional based on the Song of Solomon will be released by the publisher in about two weeks. This passionate love story belongs to you. In my book, I break down all the symbolism and metaphors enabling you to understand and apply the Song of Solomon to your relationship with Jesus.


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IG: @mountaintop_manna




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