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Blog: Blog2


Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

3/25/21 As I listened for His voice, I heard...

"Tell them I desire to court them. My heart is bursting with love. I want to talk with them, laugh with them, strengthen and refresh them. I want to take them to places of delight, deep places of rest, deep places of peace, deep places of beauty and glory. Oh, the secrets I will whisper in their ears and the amazing things I will show them. If only they will allow Me to court them and show them My love."

Remember when you were young and dating that special someone. How many of you would write in a diary after each date? Dear Diary, He took to me to my favorite place tonight and shared his heart with me. He touched my hand!! I felt tingly all over. I can hardly wait until our next date.

What if we schedule a time just for Jesus? What if we intentionally sit in His presence with no agenda of our own? Where would He take us? What would He say? What would He show us? Would we tingle at His touch? Would we write about it in a journal?


I hear Him knocking on your door.

Jesus has come to court you.

He has come to sweep

you off your feet.


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