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Blog: Blog2

Dark Days

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

It's been a dark year for this nation. The fear and terror of COVID-19, political drama, economic unrest, social tension, and city streets filled with violence have all dominated and darkened our news headlines for most of the year. It's almost been like a tangible shadow of darkness looming over us, prophesying gloom and doom for our future.

The other day I read the following in AW Tozer's book, Knowledge of the Holy and my spirit lept with hope. History shows that: "God constantly encourages us to trust Him in the dark."

When darkness covered

the face of the earth,

God's Spirit moved and He created ...

In the darkness of the virgin's womb,

our Savior was conceived.

It was in darkness

that He took His last breath

on the cross and gave us life.

It was in the darkness just before dawn

that He rose from the dead.


Let the darkness encourage you that God is up to something good. I'm talking about something GOOD on a God level. Recall the words of the prophet Isaiah and know that God is up to something GOOD. And notice that it involves YOU.

"For behold,

the darkness shall cover the earth,

And deep darkness the people;

But the LORD

will arise over you,

And His glory

will be seen upon you."

Isaiah 60:2

Position yourself for His glory. Refuse to dwell under the shadow of darkness that has invaded our land. Refuse to let go of hope. His glory, His glory, His glory! His glory will be seen through the darkness. It will be seen on US for the purpose of drawing people to the Lord. This outpouring of glory is for the end-time harvest. Take a few minutes to read the prophet's words and be encouraged.


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IG: @mountaintop_manna


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