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Demonic Assignments Against Children

2/22 During a sleepless night, I got out of bed and went into my living room. While seated on the couch, I believe my spirit was transported.

I found myself in a little girl's bedroom. The child was asleep. A succubus demon was in the room. I understood at once that the assignment was to plant gender confusion in the child. In the name of Jesus, I canceled the assignment and sent the demon away. I covered the child with the blood of Jesus and spoke truth to her spirit while she continued to sleep.

Succubus, while not in the Bible, is a term applied to a demon that takes on the form of a female seductress. Another such spirit is the incubus. This term is not in the Bible either but is applied to a demon who takes on the form of a male seductress.

A female seductress in a little girl's bedroom points to gender confusion. A female seductress in a boy's bedroom would be there to plant lust by seducing him while he sleeps.

An incubus spirit, a male seductress, in a boy's bedroom would be there to plant gender confusion. In a little girl's bedroom, this male seductress is there to do just that - seduce her, perhaps even rape her.

This is one of satan's strategies against children. He has no respect for their innocence. He attacks while they are young. He invades to plant confusion and sexual sin to their young identities.

Intercessors, join me in canceling this demonic assignment. Just as children are tucked under the covers, let's arise and cover them with the blood of Jesus as they sleep.

Just like my spirit was transported, you can take this prayer beyond the walls of your own home/family. Pray it over the children in your neighborhood, your church, your city, your state, and your nation.

Pray for the children!

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