Bull Dozers
Front End Loaders
Huge Industrial Washing Machines
Powerful equipment with skilled operators
I saw all the above in my dream. They were:
Clearing the path.
Crushing platforms.
Pulling down lies.
Pushing truth into place.
Front-end loaders brought in load after load
dumping them into huge industrial washing machines.
This was a harvest of children!
Thousands were coming from every direction
(north, south, east, & west).
With their families following them.
Some people were overwhelmed with small details like organization. They were told:
Get out of the way!
Make room for heavy equipment
With skilled operators.
Interpretation & Symbolism:
Heavy equipment – Holy Spirit
Skilled operators – Those who have learned to flow in Holy Spirit’s power.
Industrial Washing Machine – Mass salvations & spiritual cleansing.
The skilled operators were in uniform:
Hard hats (Helmet of salvation). They had one mind - the mind of Christ. They worked in unity. Each helmet had built-in ear protection. They had no time for the enemies' distractions.
Tool belts (belt of truth). The Sword of the Spirit was sharp and tucked into their belt.
Steel toe boots (boots of the gospel of peace). Their gospel mission required steel determination.
Breastplate of righteousness. It was see-through. I could see their hearts, each beating in sync with Jesus' heart.
They trusted Him completely (shield of faith).
Before this dream, on the same night, I dreamed that I was in college. It was the school of Holy Spirit. All are invited to enroll and become skilled operators. Let’s bring in the harvest!
A few nights before this,
I dreamed that we (Brent & I) had a gold coin and we invested it in children.
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