This month I’ve had download after download from Holy Spirit. In this post, I will share a few flurries from each download and trust Holy Spirit to minister to you through them. Who knows? Maybe this will become a monthly thing. Please let me know if one of them touches your heart.
2.2.25 Dream: Doors of opportunity are opening. Doors – plural. While you may be waiting & hoping for one door, I saw many doors opening for believers in this hour. Doors to the fulfillment of desires, hopes, and dreams. Doors that will lead your prodigal back home.
2.3.25 Mercy for the spiritually blind. In Matthew 20:29-34 two blind men cry out twice: “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!” The Lord opened their eyes and they followed Him. MERCY! There is an anointing to cry out for mercy on behalf of the spiritually blind. “Lord, have mercy, give my loved ones eyes to see Jesus & follow Him. Give them eyes to see truth & light. Dream 2.21.25. I dreamed about a person whose eyeglasses broke in half at the nose bridge. They could no longer see things as they once did. God is changing the way people see and discern things. Discernment is sometimes associated with the sense of smell – the eyeglasses broke in half at the “nose bridge.”
2.5.25 Dream about generational curses: This dream was very personal and may have only been for me, but I will share it, praying it ministers to someone. Scene 1 was at my paternal grandmother’s house. There was a narrow bed I slept in as a teenager which was now used by one of my kids. It had an old faded bedspread on it. We replaced it with a red bedspread that was generational but not faded. We also repositioned the old generation rug under the bed. Scene 2 took place in the narrow hallway. One of my kids was trying to navigate the narrow hallway made even narrower by traffic cones in the hall. My interpretation: Replace old generational coverings (bedspreads) with the blood of Jesus (make it about the blood and not generational traditions). Matthew 7:13-14 tells us the path of life is narrow. I repented for adding generational/family tradition traffic cones. Regarding the rug/foundation, we need to reposition our faith solely on the finished work of Christ and not on generational legalism (dos and don’ts).
2.15.25 Another generational dream. Am I the only one who has these? I will spare you the details of the dream. My devotional that day reinforced the dream. Ouch! Jesus said, “Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers.” I must continue to repent of and break generational strongholds off myself and my kiddos.
2.28.25 Dream about generational blessings: I'm in my paternal grandmother’s bedroom, arranging beautiful fresh-cut flowers in 4 vases. Having repented of & broken the above generational curses, I can now appreciate and fully embrace the generational blessings.
2.5.25 Dream: Revelation. The revealing of deeper things (Jeremiah 33:3) is available for those who will step into it. I saw myself wearing revelation. It was a blue dress.
2.10.25 In prayer, I'd been asking - how I could wear the blue dress of revelation. My devotional reading included Habakkuk 2:1-5. This passage breaks it down:
:1 “wait” … “station” - Position yourself to receive from Him.
:1 “Look out to see” - Ask Holy Spirit to give you visions & dreams. Take time to “look and see.”
:1 “He will say to me” – Take time to listen and expect to hear.
:2 “Write the vision, make it plain” – I write every dream and download in a journal. As I write it down, the meaning/interpretation becomes plain.
:3 “Wait for it (the vision)” “It will surely come” – Expect it to happen.
:4 “Live by faith” – Expect it to happen
2.12.25 Dream: Disgusting Boots. My boots were muddy. My long grey hair was mingled in the mud. Yuck! This was a personal dream but I want to be vulnerable and perhaps help someone else not make the same mistake. Interpretation: Hair symbolizes a woman’s glory. Holy Spirit showed me I did not give Him the glory for using me in a particular situation. He showed me that I was walking in pride (filthy mud). I sincerely repented. Father graciously ministered to me through my devotional reading that day which included Ecclesiastes 9:8 - a cleansing and fresh anointing.
2.14.25 Depression: My devotional reading included Habakkuk 3:17-19. Though depressing things are easy to meditate on (like our home repairs from Helene have not even begun), I WILL REJOICE. I WILL TAKE JOY. Take joy! Take it! God is my strength and salvation. I will walk through this graciously for His glory. My right response will take me to higher places with Him, places of breakthrough, victory, and revelation.
2.15.25 Holy Spirit spoke to me about offense. Offense happens when something they said or did wounds our pride. God allowed it to expose our pride. Forgiving the offense replaces pride with humility.
2.17.25 Activity in Heaven: As I was waking up and engaging with the Lord, I sensed activity in heaven. I knew something was being made. I waited for Him to tell me what was being made. He gave me a whole list:
Fresh bread, fresh manna just for today is being made for all who will gather it.
Intercession. He lives to make intercession for us.
He is making a way where there seems to be no way.
He is making all things new.
He is making a place for me.
He is making me glad! I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
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