This weekend, my hubby and I went camping in the mountains with our son and his young family. At our age, Brent & I enjoy hiking in the mountains as long as the trail is marked as easy or novice. This time there were no trails near our campsite that were in the easy category. The trails in the area were moderate to strenuous. Everyone wanted to go hiking and explore the area so we set out on a moderate trail only to find that it became strenuous. At the trailhead, I found a stout walking stick that I decided was left there just for me. That walking stick proved invaluable. It wasn't easy but this grandma made it. Even my strapping son said the trail was difficult.
Today, I'm back home and a little sore from our time in the woods. This morning as I was praying and thanking God for our time together and for His help when I was straining to get up that incline, I found myself saying/praying:
"Father give me this mountain.
I'm reaching and straining for the high call of God."
I heard the Holy Spirit answer me. His answer is for many who feel as though their days of being used by the Lord were glorious but are a thing of the past. This is what He said:
"You've been on hold. I have not forgotten you or the gifts I gave you. I've seen the hours you've spent in prayer, seeking Me, and My heart. Even though you had no open doors for ministry, you continued to study and treasure My word. Precept upon precept, strength upon strength, and wisdom upon wisdom has been added to you as you spent time with Me. I've had you stored away for such a time as this."
"There is a mountain to climb. There is still a high call for you to reach but you needed to be infused with My heart, My strength, and My wisdom to reach this summit. It's time to step out and start climbing. Use My promises as a staff to help you every step of the way. Keep your eyes on me and you will climb to the top of your destiny."
"I press toward the goal for the prize
of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:14
The phrase, "Give me this mountain" was said by Caleb in the Old Testament. He was 85 years old and still willing to fight for his promise land. He won the battle at 85 years old! That strenuous hike stirred up a desire in me to go for it. God has put so much in me. God has put so much in you. Its time to start climbing again. He will open doors for us, doors we never imagined when we were young. The harvest is coming in and the mature in faith are greatly needed. So, dust off your hiking shoes, lace them up, get your staff, and get climbing.
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