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Blog: Blog2

Good Morning!

If you're a parent, I'm sure you've had a child startle you by being right in your face as you're waking up. Recently, this happened to me (only it wasn't a child). There I was, somewhere between asleep and awake. This was dreamlike, yet not so much.

I sensed a presence in my face. Immediately I said, "Good Morning, Mercy!"

Mercy seemed pleased to be recognized and asked me what my title is.

I responded instantly, "Accepted".

This answer must have really pleased Mercy because God's presence became very strong in my room. By the way, I was fully awake when His presence overwhelmed me. All I could do was tearfully and humbly worship.

"Sunrise" captured by Zach Weaver

You might be wondering how I knew it was Mercy hovering over my face. I'm wondering why Mercy asked my title and not my name. As I prayerfully pondered these questions, I wondered if the purpose was to reveal:

What I believe about Him

and what I believe about myself.

Two huge questions:

What do you believe about God?

What do you believe about yourself?

Having to answer those questions when you're more than half-asleep reveals what is in your spirit. I believe Father was reinforcing the necessity of meditating on His word so that it gets into your spirit.

Some Christians shy away from meditation because of the new-age practice of meditation. However, the Bible clearly tells us to meditate on scripture. Check it out:

Two scriptures to meditate on:

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;

His mercies never come to an end;

They are new every morning;

Great is Your faithfulness."

Lamentations 3:22-23

"Praise the glory of His grace,

by which He made us accepted

in the Beloved (Savior)."

Ephesians 1:6

To meditate: Read the verse out loud several times. When you read scripture out loud, you hear it. "Faith comes by hearing. Hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17). Focus on one phrase at a time and give consideration to each word in the phrase. Ask the Holy Spirit to make the truth real to you. Ask Him to show you something that you never realized before. Maybe look at it in different translations. Turn the verse, phrase by phrase, into a thankful prayer. Do it again tomorrow. Do it for several days or until you can do it without looking at your notes. It's not as important to memorize the location of the verse as it is to get the truth into your spirit.

Please message me or write a comment about the new thing Holy Spirit shows you when meditating on those verses.

Right before I publishing this blog onto the website, I ask the Lord again, "Is there anything else You're saying about this?" Holy Spirit downloaded the following into my spirit:

All things new! Just as you recognized the new day and the new mercy, I want my people to realize that they are entering into a new season. This season will manifest with new favor and increased anointing to accomplish what I have put in your heart to do. You are on the horizon of a new day, a new season. It is a season of breaking through into my plans for you. There is a GOOD DAY DAWNING for my people. Those who have persevered and hoped against hope will see this horizon soon.


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