DREAM: The Wise Old WatchMaker
I saw an old, gray-headed watchmaker looking at an ancient clock. I got the feeling that he was very wise. He was using small tools on the gears to calibrate, fine-tune, and make intricate adjustments. Then I realized that his ancient clock was perfect and that the adjustments were being made to every famous clock around the world, adjustments that synchronized them with the ancient clock. This only took a small fraction of time and then he began to look for people that would allow him to calibrate their internal clock with his.
The interpretation is pretty obvious. The wise old watchmaker is God. He looked at His ancient clock. I thought about the different time zones on the earth and wondered what time it is in heaven. That's a good question. What time is it in heaven? When it comes to God's time table, earthly time zones don't matter. Time on earth has been synchronized to heaven's time table by the wise old Watchmaker. "On earth, as it is in heaven".
People look at their watch or the clock because it's almost time for something. The dream signifies that it's almost time for something big. God is calibrating the earth for the big event. He is making sure everything is in place. He wants to adjust and fine-tune your internal clock for the big event.
Some scriptures on the subject of time:
"Time is in His hands..." (Psalm 31:5).
"For such a time as this..." (Ester 4:14).
"But when the fullness of the time had come, He sent His son..."(Galatians 4:4)
"And a wise man’s heart discerns both time and judgment"
(Ecclesiastes 8:5).
My response to this dream is to yield to His fine-tuning by praying:
I acknowledge that time is in Your hands, Father. Only You know what's on the horizon. I confess that I am here for such a time as this -- to be part of Your plans in the earth. I ask for the heart of a wise man. I want to discern times and seasons on earth in relation to Your ancient clock.
It's interesting that matters of the heart are what make us wise and discerning. Ponder on that for a while. More praying...
Holy Spirit, I yield my heart to Your fine-tuning and adjustments. Anywhere that I am out of sync with You, please calibrate the matters of my heart. I bow low, please apply Your healing oil to my heart. (Just linger with Holy Spirit for a while. Let Him apply oil to your heart and make the necessary adjustments).
At any rate, GET READY. Time is of the essence! I believe the big event might resemble Galatians 4:4, "But when the fullness of the time had come, He sent His son...".
The Greatest Romance
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You will discover:
The Savior's deep love and longing for you
Your true value
Freedom from generational issues
How you look in the realm of the spirit
What hinders your intimacy with Him
How to reach your destiny
The true purpose of The Song of Solomon
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