I'm sure many of you played hide and seek as a child. You covered your eyes and counted while a friend or sibling hid. Remember the phrase, "Ready or not, here I come!"
"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,
But the honor of kings to search it out"
Proverbs 25:2
In Luke 18:31-43*, Jesus was telling his 12 disciples about things that must happen. Verse 34 tells us that they did not understand what He was telling them. I would think that if anyone should have an advantage in understanding, it's these disciples who knew him. They walked and talked with Him, yet they did not understand. A footnote in my Bible says that they were spiritually dull, spiritually blind. The scripture tells us (verse 34) that understanding was hidden from them. Why was it hidden? Why didn't they ask Jesus for understanding?
It's interesting that the next thing that happened involved a blind man. This physically blind man cried out for Jesus' help. He cried out in front of a multitude of people. Pride did not hinder him. When he was rebuked, He cried out even more.
Because pride did not hinder the blind man, 5 awesome things happened:
He received his sight.
He followed Jesus.
He glorified God.
Others saw it.
They glorified God too.
Was it pride that kept the disciples from asking Jesus what His statements meant? I'm not going to let pride rob me. I admit I don't understand it all. I don't see it all. I don't get it all. I confess that my perspective is skewed and limited at best.
I'm crying out to Jesus for wisdom, understanding, enlightenment, revelation, for eyes to see, and ears to hear.
A few days later, I read Luke 24**. Two disciples are walking on the road to Emmaus. Feelings of disappointment, disillusionment, despair, despondency, and doubt all describe their mindset as they talked about Jesus' crucifixion. The risen Jesus began to walk alongside them but they did not know Him. Verse 16 tells us that their eyes were veiled so that they would not know Him. Again, His disciples were spiritually dull, spiritually blind, and had no discernment. In verses 30 & 31, as they sat down to eat with Jesus, their eyes were open and they knew it was Him.
The scripture says they "broke bread" with Jesus (verse 30). Bread is symbolic of the Word. I'm thinking a key to revelation, understanding, and insight is getting in the Word right in His presence. It's daily walking with Him, combined with talking with Him, combined with getting into the Word with Him there to "break" it down that opens our eyes.
"The secret things belong to the Lord our God,
but those things which are revealed to us
belong to us and to our children..."
Daniel 29:29
"It is He who reveals the deep and secret things"
Daniel 2:22
"Surely the Lord God does nothing
unless He reveals His secret counsel
to His servants the prophets"
Amos 3:7
"Call on me
and I will answer you
and show you great and mighty things
that you know not of"
Jeremiah 33:3
Jesus, ready or not, here I come! I know you're more than ready to reveal the mysteries of the kingdom to me. You've been waiting for me to want them enough to cry out for them and search for them. It's my honor, right, and privilege to look for and find the secrets hidden in You and in Your Word. What an adventure we will have together, Jesus!
Dear readers, I hope that you will join me in the search for hidden treasure. We will:
Receive our sight:
(understanding, insight, revelation)
Follow Jesus more closely.
Glorify God.
Be an example
Others will follow.
* A link to Luke 18:31-43 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+18%3A31-43&version=ESV
** A link to Luke 24:13-25 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+24:13-25&version=ESV
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