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Blog: Blog2

How Big is Your Measuring Cup?

Prophetic Dream 2/1/21:

I was tossing something in the kitchen trashcan when I noticed that my 2-cup glass measuring cup was in the trash. "How did that get there?" When I reached in to take it out, I saw nasty water rising quickly in my trashcan. Repulsed, I quickly pulled my hand away. End of dream.


When praying for an interpretation of the dream, the" cup of iniquity" came to mind. That phrase comes from Revelation 18:5-6 and Ezekiel 9:9.

The dream reveals that God is measuring the iniquities of our land, that they are very gross, and that they are rising quickly. His measuring device (symbolized by the kitchen trashcan) has a much larger capacity than my 2-cup measuring cup. He has a lot more mercy and patience than I do. To my thinking and measuring, the cup of iniquity has been full and overflowing for a long time. We need to be thankful for His patience and mercy. They are part of His goodness which leads man to repentance.

Another thing that struck me from this dream is that I was putting something in the trashcan. I'm adding to the cup of iniquity. I believe that God in His goodness and mercy is telling us (the church) to repent and forsake all sin. We must allow absolutely no compromise because when the cup is full (by His measure), judgment will come.

We all sin and fall short of the glory of God, but with repentance comes forgiveness. The result is that our sin is removed (from the cup) as far as the east is from the west. Thank you, Jesus!

Another staggering thought is found in Ezekiel 9:6: Judgment will begin in His house. I encourage you to read the whole chapter.


Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me,

and know my thoughts:

And see if there be any wicked way in me,

and lead me in the way everlasting.

Also (as a response), I encourage you to keep praying for this nation. Don’t' give in to discouragement. Be thankful that His measuring cup is larger than ours. Pray into what He is doing: giving people a chance to repent.


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IG: @mountaintop_manna

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